Naruto: Evolution

by Crazah
Naruto: Evolution
A new upcoming original Naruto game.
BYOND Version:493
Operating System:Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Web Browser:Chrome1 8.0.1025.151
Applies to:DM Language
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
um i can hjoin server why answer pleease atleast in 1 day
um why cant i join a server answer me 1 day please
and the thing like byond vershion and other i just picked it for no reson
Learn to spell plz :D
it said when i loged on that a password is not set up for this account
Rasheed it does that some times. it usually only does it for about 24 hours. if u havent tried in awhile by now it should work or theres been a wipe and ull need to restard. if it says no password is set for the account it will continue that for about 10-20 hours and then it just fixes itself and u can log back on usually the next day.
banearon me or when I go dead connection tells me plis help
that when I say I conetcion dead?