![]() Apr 14 2011, 2:29 am
You're a kiss ass.
LMAO u just become my new best freind and yeah besodog is such a jew he thinks hes being cool when hes being the most desprate person here
LAUGHING MY ASS OFF!!! @DARKANINE http://www.facebook.com/ photo.php?fbid=101319186579823&set=a.133378940040514.14704.1 00001052250624&type=1&theater
lol your the funniest looking dude i have ever saw in my life and belive me i have seen some funny ppl
Come on NAOKOHIRO, the game has been off for more than 3 or 4 days. How much longer is this going to take to get it up and running again.
Yeah I guess, but my xbox 360 got taken away from me a couple of days ago and there is nothing else to do. That is why I want this game to be fixed as fast as possible. I am an xbox addict so if you were in my shoes you would know how bored i am.
Naokohiro wrote:
How did comments become a rage thread? Comments aren't suposed to be good, now adays comments are for raging -.- yeah... fail |
how do you guys know it was caused by a hack and not something else.Naokohiro said it was cause of the host left the server.
i read it on the forums the guy got his charizard to level 500 though a negative EXP thing
Naoko Im not trying to badger you or anything but while the server is down are you trying to update things?I don't to be stuck at the cave and to cut the three tree's... -_______-