Please follow our Rules and Guidelines:
-NO ASKING FOR GM! This is a new rule I had to make up today. I am pulling my hair out with people asking me for GM. Don't do it on MSN, BYOND Pager, AIM, or anywhere else. GMs are chosen from Minoko and Jeff's decision. To become a GM, you must earn it.
-No Spamming. This not only includes text examples of spam are, planting trees where they shouldn't be etc.
-No Random PKing. This means that Pokemon cannot Randomly go around and Kill the other Pokemon Players. There are AI Pokemon in hidden caves that you may go kill if you want.
-No Spawn Killing. This means no killing where people come back to when they are dead.
-No Random Catching. This is a rule for trainers. You are not allowed to catch a Pokemon without their permission. This rule includes, No AFK catching and such.
-No Abusing Bugs. If you find a bug, please report it to either Minoko or Jeff (the game owners)
-No Mature Links or Text. As you know Pokemon is somewhat aimed towards younger children which means younger people will play this game. Please do not Post links to porn, hentai or anything of the sort. If you must either go in another game.
-No Swearing. Just.. no... this is a swear free zone!
-No Asking for GM. If we need a GM and we think you deserve it, we will make you a GM, so don't ask.
-No Advertising. Please do not steal our players.. Its mean!
-No using bots. This includes auto-clicking software, etc. and will result in an immediate ban,
Consequences for breaking these rules include, mute, boot, ban, and, IP ban.
Also We Need Help:
24/7 Host
Speical Thank to FRANTZDUX,Ichiru & And Julia for Hub.