Keywords: nestalgia
Last fall I was feeling a bit nostalgic, and a feeling came over me that I hadn't felt in years: the urge to work on Dragon Warrior Online.

While that immediate urge quickly passed, I realized that what I really wanted to do was to create the type of game that DWO was intended to be: an online RPG inspired by the gameplay mechanics of classic console RPGs. Instead of creating a fangame and sticking as close as possible to the gameplay formula of a specific series of games (like Dragon Warrior), why not create an original project inspired by all of them?

NEStalgia takes everything that I love about old-school console RPGs and translates all of it into an MMO environment. Simple graphics, clunky menus, turned-based battles, the thrill of "leveling up", and a formidable level of difficulty, to name a few. The DWO 1.90 "preview" gave everyone a glimpse of the potential of this concept in action; and with NEStalgia I intend to fulfill that potential.

In the coming weeks I'm planning using this blog as a developer's journal for NEStalgia, just as I did with Acheron's Awakening. The difference this time around is that testing is already underway, and I'm confident of the game's impending release. As with the AA developer's journal, I'll be fielding questions, taking topic requests for journal entries, and trickling out more and more information as the release date nears.

For now, feast your eyes on these screenshot and enjoy :)

I hate you.
I nostalgia'd at the graphic style, though.

Do you plan on following the evident DW style equipment scheme or are they just placeholders?
Vermolius wrote:
Do you plan on following the evident DW style equipment scheme or are they just placeholders?

Everything as you see it is pretty much as it will be in the public release, unless the testers absolutely hate it and demand changes. The clunky DW-style inventory system is very much intended :)
That's a pretty creative name.

Good luck.
That's an awesome name.
Less storyline expositions via cutscenes you can't skip, more dungeon running please.

I loved DWO when it was up, for the most part. Let's see this game suck the life out of me as well.

I'll sue you for making me fat, Silk!