Today I started working on a nice little program which I want to submit to Ryne Rekab's 4k competition. However, I soon discovered a certain problem inherant with this plan.
4k is actually quite small.
At its current state, it is 2.74kb in size. This includes the dme file, the dm file, and a map file. If I could, I would use a level generator to create the map, but that would be even bigger than the map if it were to be in any way acceptable. Even the three paragraphs of background I wrote about the game are almost 2kb in size.
All I've done is add the basic objects and variables of the game - I haven't added any of the gameplay elements yet. I've kept my variables nice and small, and removed all excess empty space. So - I have already decided to simplify the gameplay and change a few things around. If people like the game, I'll be able to expand it to the original size later.
And after this project is finished, what then? Minigame v.2, splattertag v.2? SoS? My original roguelike project which is actually quite advanced? My space strategy game? I don't know. I'll be happy enough if there is a splatty 4k entry v.1 - but that will depend on if I can manage lots of microprogramming.
Now, to have a BYONDscape subscription and look at Scream of the Stickster source....
Jun 6 2005, 1:49 pm
splattergnome, I don't think that the .dmp files count as code, although I could be wrong. I don't think they did with other 4k contests.
Ah - I just noticed that - 4k for SOURCE CODE, external savefiles and the like are exempt. Well, in that case, I actually have a -tad- bit more breathing room. :-)
Rogue-like, rogue-like!
Actually, a text based roguelike could probably come in under 4k...... |
Wow, splatty. I thought it was the dmp as well. I might submit an entry for this.
Alot more breathing room, splatty! If you open a map file up ina a text editor, there's a whole lot of stuff that you can include! Also, if writing is taking up a lot of space, well, you can always include a .html file: that won't count towards the 4k limit. =P
splatty, make sure to read this post, and this entire thread. |
Jmurph - my dungeon generation algorithism used in splattertag is already quite big - and its bit optimized after several versions (and programming languages, even).
A -simple- roguelike, perhaps. |
A .. Space Roguelike! It randomly generates planets like star traders but when you bump into them it goes into a roguelike dungeon with respective colours.