sorry not to have replied. I am not on byond much anymore so I am not seeing stuff posted here. Please email me at [email protected] and I will reply about hosting. Please keep in mind however I am a full time college student so I may not get back to you as fast as I normally would. Please have your game in a hostable state before you email me because before I agree to any hosting I need to run tests.
Finally I have one last request Please follow this format in your hosting request email. In the Subject Line please put "Hosting Request for [INSERT GAME NAME HERE]." In the body Please tell me what it is exactly your looking for hosting wise (game, website, forum etc), Your Experience with SSH(Shell), Cpanel, and FTP (I do teach how to do these things, so it isnt necessary to know how if you don't),a basic outline of your game, and finally anything else you feel is relevant.
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