REMEMBER to play this game at least a free byond account is needed and the byond program. To download the byond program(its only 2.91mb) click here http://www.byond.com/download/build/420.986_byond.exe
to make a free byond account click here
BUY CREDITS If you would like to buy credits go to http://www.paypal.com log in, click send money and send it to [email protected] then using the same email that is connected to your paypal account send me an email that states your byond key (byond account username)for every penny you send you get 50 credits so if you send 1 dollar you get 5,000 credits!! Your credits will be recieved the day after purchase at 1:00pm(after the update). If you feel insacure about this purchase than just send a penny to test it out. UPDATE The game will be updated everyday at 12:55pm to 1:00pm(Eastern lunchtime) |