I've posted an early demo of the DWM game I've been working on. It's the end of Easter weekend for me, and I've gotten some decent work done on it this weekend (including all of the breeding charts, except for Boss), so I figured I'd post what I've done.
It's still a ways away from being a playable game, but it's got a fair bit to look at in it as it is.
Anyways, any feedback is appreciated. It includes a readme.txt with more information inside of it.
Apr 13 2009, 5:58 pm
Apr 13 2009, 5:59 pm
Broken URL.
Err, it's been fixed now. Or it should be fixed. I don't think BYOND liked how I tried to add the readme file myself. I repackaged it and it seems to be working.
I don't really care for how you mixed and matched color styles. Stick with GB graphics.
Few things I'd like to say.
1) Use BYOND 4.0. It'll let you avoid the pop-ups. 2) Don't let players test breed monsters they don't have. 3) Just use DWM sprites/tilesets. 4) Let players walk away while NPCs are talking and make the NPC quit talking if the player isn't in view. 5) When exiting the big tree you can step north into the top portion of the door. :P |