Dec 6 2005, 3:51 pm
Anybody planning on getting Animal Crossing for the DS? The Wi-Fi part seems pretty nifty... Shame I don't trust you guys not to cut down all the trees. =P
Dec 6 2005, 5:09 pm
I'm getting it soon.
I was actually interested in the Animal Crossing series back when it first came out for the gamecube, but I never knew much for what it was. Ah, good times, the mysterious animal crossing trophy guy that you get in Super Smash Bros. Melee, which scared me because it said something like "this character may be seen in a game of the future". Like, Omg!
Hey Mage! I roam you and whazzhisfacemike's blog and the other one's blog..oh. Zeen. Yeah that one. |
I like to imagine that there's an eighth-level of hell, specifically reserved for Shades. =P
I wish you could edit comments... I always end up finding a typo, and having to delete + repost.
Magey Wagey? Zeen's hitting on me, huzzah! Take that, all you other desperate nerds! =D
Oh piss off, your just mad you had to blow $40.00 on a game, and I spent 2 hours downloading it for free.
If the games are any good, I'll go out and buy them later. Owning orginal prints is actully pretty important to me. You should see all the games I LEGALLY own, I have 3 or 4 big bookshelfs full of PS1,PS2, Xbox and Gamecube games, along with DS and Sony PSP. |
Actually my friend just got it yesterday. I'll have to ask him how it is. He also got mariokart for DS and that was pretty good. I played a few games with the WiFi thing and it was quite fun. I'm glad Nintendo has finally decided to add online play to a few of their games. It must be killing them.
Shades, the game costs $35. =P
Anyhow, it looks like Ninty is taking online play seriously. Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, and all those rumors about the Revolution... I think that this is going to be good. |
On my second day in AC I got a ship's cannon from this beaver and I caught a Colelecanth (The fossil one that I can't spell), Nook upgraded, I bought a member ship at red's, and I paid off my first debt! I love this game! :D
Yup, i'm really happy about the whole DS online thing. I'd really like to see an online smash bros, that would really rock.
BTW, what rumors about the revolution were you talking about??? I haven't been following it too closely. One thing I have heard about it is that you'll be able to download old games and play them on it. Hopefully they'll be free to download. |