(See the best response by JunK Games.)
I'm trying to make a multiplayer game and I need the ability to login/join from another machine (just on my local network is fine, if that make any difference.)

I had tried this once before by publishing a game to the Byond hub, but I could never join it on another computer.

Can someone explain how to properly set up a game (still being made) online so I can test it out? Or, is there a tutorial out there for creating and host a bare bones ("hello world") game?
Best response
... You just host it, either by clicking the "Host" button if you're running it purely through dream seeker or by hosting it in Dream Daemon.

If your computer is connected to a router (which nowadays it probably is) you need to port forward. Google it. You don't need to have a hub to host a game.
Thanks. I got it working.

It appears they made it so that you need to be a Byond member to publish stuff to the hub now; is that true?