The Chaotic Chronicle

by Ace the Shadow
The Chaotic Chronicle
A new RPG to add to my collection of great gamees
This game well be one of the best RPG out in awhile. This game is basically base on the life of people during the Fuedal Era from Novice to Almighty . the characters will be Shinobi's, Ninja's, Ronin, Samurai, Batosai, Warrior, and Musketeer. I didnt put all the ideas on the page so there is more to come. Last, I need a couple of helpers a Mapper, Coder, Graphic Maker, and a Icon Artist. Dont worry about not getting any credit I will put you on the hub, and in the credits, and my website.
If you wanna help me just page meh or email meh my email is [email protected], my pager name is Ace the Shadow.


Owner/Coder: Ace the Shadow

Icon Artist:
Mapper: Ace the Shadow

Hub Icon Designer: Ace the Shadow
Music Composer: Ace the Shadow