So today I'm beginning my project known as Pokemon TDT, or The Dark Truth. Though at this moment the name is questionable, it's plot is not. The game takes place in kanto, which over the past few years has been ravaged by Pokemon, as a dormant part of their psyche began to awaken. This dormant nature caused Pokemon nation wide to revert back to primal instincts, leave their owners, and attack humans. It is your duty as a new member of your town's protection services to defend your home, your family, your community, and yourself from these newly enraged beasts.
Basically you log in, create your character, go through a little scenario introducing yourself to the game and its plot, and begin to level up by kiling Pokemon. But I think it has potential, and besides, this is only a basic idea. I work very intuitively, which means it'll be constantly changing. Thanks for reading, and if you were intriegued at all by this idea enough to be a part of it, be it coding, iconning, or idea-bringing-upping, let me know! I'm very open minded and accepting. ^^
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