
Your Brain is 1182.83% Female, 1015.9% Male

Your brain is uniquely crafted, and your way of reasoning proves it.

Your brain is just perfect for extensive laboratory tests.

We know where you live, buddy. We'll be at your door soon.

And don't try getting help, because we're too big and powerful for you to stop. We have never failed before, and we don't expect your punk-ass brain to stop us now.

Uh oh....This isn't good, is it?
It's not measuring intelligence, though, it's measuring gender... So I don't know why they want a material-drivin, boob-lovin', greater-than-emo whiney, more-egotistical-than-Maddox brain.
But then again, I was thinking about what it would be like having 16 brains when I took the test... I don't know how the Female/Male brain ratio got skewed in such a prescise and odd way.
I think people are taking this a bit too far. :P
I did it first! >_<