I wouldn't be surprised if we torture people. Most governments at one point in time have probably been guilty of doing this, and while it isn't ethical, it will continue to be used so long as governments can continue to get information out of people.
"ACE:Very true, but not many will actualy say their not doing something that is out in the open and public domain.
Hahahahaha. I believe governments will deny stuff even when there is evidence to the contrary. Its a typical trait of politicians and other government types to lie and deny accusations despite evidence.
Some also deny it for a while and then slowly begin to admit it, but in a way that downplays its significance.
" We didn't send those people to prisons in order to torture them, we merely sent them there for some local rehabilitation which they couldn't receive elsewhere."
"Zeen:And plus I've never known a worse Government than the US."
I guess the Nazis were better than us.
"ACE:Actualy, a lot of countries DONT use torture as our forms of law systems are fine as it is, it does not require pain to secure information. There maybe things like lie-detectors, truth syrums, but not torture in a physical sense. Us "europeans" have delevoped in a way that its not necessary to torture people."
Please inform me of your enlightened methods then.
I guess the Nazis were better than us. Well, they eliminated unemployment. And got the trains to run on time. And fixed the horrible, horrible German economy that was around at the time, due to the treaty of Versailles. And they were democratically elected. I think the Bush administration fails on all those counts. |
No they didn't eliminate unemployment, it was cut drastically but not eliminated. Public transportation has never been that great where I live. Yeah they fixed the economy, and yeah they got elected, but their social policy wasn't exactly the greatest either.
Did I hear somebody in this thread suggest torture was required for law enforcement?
Oh-ho-ho-ho |
How exactly is it that a regime that uses torture against suspected terrorists is worse than a regime that used torture and mass murder against its own citizens (among other people, of course)?
if you only know of three governments, designating one as being "worse" is not a good indicator of how bad that government really is. so, there might be other countries out there worse than the US. but if you live in a bubble which is inside a barn that is buried 1,000 feet below the earth's surface and the only way out is a staircase which is very hard to climb while in that bubble, you probably wouldn't get out much so the US might be the worst country you know of.
my point is, an uneducated opinion is shit.
you can claim that the US government is bad, but you could make similiar claims for any government that ever existed. if you want to say that the US government is "the worse", you'd have to explain that, which would require answering leftley's question, which i'm sure you can do. |
its a health hazard and a fire hazard. lets encourage drunk people in small, crowded buildings to start fires. only good will come of this.
i wouldn't consider that a law. besides, someone has to give them a raise. i wouldn't expect them to get by on whatever wages were 200 years ago.
the reasoning behind that usually goes something like: its not that the government should have the ability to torture, but they wouldn't do it anyway so there's no reason to ban torture.
its like saying that cheating on your wife isn't illegal, even though its a bad thing to do. they don't have to make it illegal because no government official would do it.
er, its like saying that they don't need to make cocaine illegal because the mayor of washington DC would never do that.
ok, its like saying that they don't need to make burglary illegal because republicans would never have anyone break into the democratic party's office.