Many people commented, although mostly not on the last blog, that the icon utility would be MUCH more useful if it supported multiple directions.

And now it does!

It's a bit complicated, I really just threw the interface together for myself and since I wrote the functionality I understand it fully. Concept for multiple directions is similar to single direction animations, though. You just have to select a direction too.

Anyway, here she be.

Seems now I'm getting people asking for the ability to create animations from sprite-sheets than are multi-tiled. (Hulio-G, MdNight)
If you can make it work for multitiled, youve won the hearts of all of us pixel artists. You can have our children.
Not something I'm prepared to tackle.. today =D.

Even if I did set it up to work in multi-tiles it would have to be standardized in a few ways. The frames would have to be adjacent to one another and I don't think I'd support the backwards animations for multi-tiles.