I went to see these three bands and I got a picture for everybody. If you get a chance to see any of them, take it. They put on great shows! I've had the songs stuck in my head for a week now.

Il Niņo rocking out
Yay for no page display! :P

I didn't realize Static X still played, they still good?
Kunark complained:
Yay for no page display! :P


Static X is currently on tour. I don't know just what their schedule is, but if you're inserested do look around. They are very talented and exciting to watch.

For anybody who is not aware, Jesus plays the drums for Static-X, and I am not kidding. Let me try to find a picture of him. I couldn't get a good one.
haha, that's a rather goofy picture :P
They aren't a bad band, just don't like alot of their songs. :P