Megaman Wars

by Dixon
Megaman Wars
Colonel vs Harpuia!? Bass vs Sigma!? Who will win?
Unbounded wrote:
Oh, you're host!?

Hosting copyrighted material is illegal, you may just get in trouble.

How would mommy bail you out of that one, eh?

Hiroyuki wrote:
also, Hey, faggot, you spelled the term "padawan" incorrectly.

-cough-nerd-cough- :3

He used the term, he should know how to spell it. It's like mispelling the term nigger as "niggir".

Unbounded wrote:
also, Hey, faggot, you spelled the term "padawan" incorrectly.

Oh man, grammar nazi star wars fans, with superiority complexes who's existences are hypocritical in themselves, what is the world coming to!?

See, as it seems right now, you just have a personal grudge at a game, so, yes, if you dislike the game so much, why the fuck are you wasting your time slandering it on the comments with a key that's never even touched the game? You're an idiot, and a pussy, it seems.
Unbounded wrote:
"Regardless, we're still going to have people to play, so as long as there are people that like megaman titles and such, there will be players."

I don't find it very hard at all to contact Capcom and let them know you've violated copyright laws, and laugh as you get shutdown.

You know what you also cant find? The fact that you must really have some sort of dreary boring life to want to start crap over a byond game. Also, really? Contacting Capcom? Get real. Your attempt at an arguement, discussion, whatever you wanna call it is boring and dragged out for no reason, when simply...if you dont like the game, just dont play. Nobody is forcing you down to your chair to play this game.
Steven233618 wrote:
Well, seeing as how proper credit is given to Capcom and everything and the fact that no money is made from this game... Capcom really wouldn't do anything about it, ever.

This is Hiro-san and I approve this message.^ -grabs lead pipe- and I DARE anyone to say otherwise.
Well, seeing as how proper credit is given to Capcom and everything and the fact that no money is made from this game... Capcom really wouldn't do anything about it, ever.
Steven233618 wrote:
Well, seeing as how proper credit is given to Capcom and everything and the fact that no money is made from this game... Capcom really wouldn't do anything about it, ever.

Noone here has obtained rights to publish anything owned by Capcom.
Hiroyuki wrote:
Steven233618 wrote:
Well, seeing as how proper credit is given to Capcom and everything and the fact that no money is made from this game... Capcom really wouldn't do anything about it, ever.

This is Hiro-san and I approve this message.^ -grabs lead pipe- and I DARE anyone to say otherwise.

HIRO SAN!? DEEEEEEEEEEESU? I assume you are very kawaii.

Unbounded wrote:
Hiroyuki wrote:
Steven233618 wrote:
Well, seeing as how proper credit is given to Capcom and everything and the fact that no money is made from this game... Capcom really wouldn't do anything about it, ever.

This is Hiro-san and I approve this message.^ -grabs lead pipe- and I DARE anyone to say otherwise.

HIRO SAN!? DEEEEEEEEEEESU? I assume you are very kawaii.

No, but you can assume the position.
Hiroyuki wrote:
Unbounded wrote:
"Regardless, we're still going to have people to play, so as long as there are people that like megaman titles and such, there will be players."

I don't find it very hard at all to contact Capcom and let them know you've violated copyright laws, and laugh as you get shutdown.

You know what you also cant find? The fact that you must really have some sort of dreary boring life to want to start crap over a byond game. Also, really? Contacting Capcom? Get real. Your attempt at an arguement, discussion, whatever you wanna call it is boring and dragged out for no reason, when simply...if you dont like the game, just dont play. Nobody is forcing you down to your chair to play this game.

From my understanding and what I've seen from both you and Unbounded, is that Unbounded isn't starting shit, you are.

Get off your high horse and admit you are wrong, you are wrong in the fact that you shouldn't be using your moderating verbs as a toy. I would enjoy it if you had fun, yes, but to boot people for no apparent reason, is wrong and should not be done, regardless if you are having fun and regardless if others thinks it is fun.

Sure you are going to still be having players that play this game, good for you and good for this game.

And you don't understand why people get mad over being booted for no reason? If you do not understand that, get on Icon Ultima, I'll show you how it feels.
Unbounded wrote:
Steven233618 wrote:
Well, seeing as how proper credit is given to Capcom and everything and the fact that no money is made from this game... Capcom really wouldn't do anything about it, ever.

Noone here has obtained rights to publish anything owned by Capcom.

Implying Capcom actually cares.
How about this; If you haven't had personal experience on this game, don't critique anything from the game. And If you're truly desperate enough to continue an attempt at wasting our time with an unnecessary and foolish debate, then please proceed with your idiocy, and we'll get back to you as soon as we begin to give a damn. Don't accuse us of trolling any players when you're attempting to do so by commenting and threatening this game in the first place. Please and thank you for your pointless banter, Sir and/or Madam.
SephVivace wrote:
How about this; If you haven't had personal experience on this game, don't critique anything from the game. And If you're truly desperate enough to continue an attempt at wasting our time with an unnecessary and foolish debate, then please proceed with your idiocy, and we'll get back to you as soon as we begin to give a damn. Don't accuse us of trolling any players when you're attempting to do so by commenting and threatening this game in the first place. Please and thank you for your pointless banter, Sir and/or Madam.

Oh, look. a pointless wall of text with no real meaning. you can go home now.
Obviously, if you didn't care. i would only be talking to 1 person, not all 5 of you losers, but unfortunately, thats the way it is when you're as cool as i am.

The idiots just look up to me, as their idol for when they become less stupid. What can i say?

PS: Capcom cares, too much infact. would you like proof?
LycanGoddess wrote:
Hiroyuki wrote:
Unbounded wrote:
"Regardless, we're still going to have people to play, so as long as there are people that like megaman titles and such, there will be players."

I don't find it very hard at all to contact Capcom and let them know you've violated copyright laws, and laugh as you get shutdown.

You know what you also cant find? The fact that you must really have some sort of dreary boring life to want to start crap over a byond game. Also, really? Contacting Capcom? Get real. Your attempt at an arguement, discussion, whatever you wanna call it is boring and dragged out for no reason, when simply...if you dont like the game, just dont play. Nobody is forcing you down to your chair to play this game.

From my understanding and what I've seen from both you and Unbounded, is that Unbounded isn't starting shit, you are.

Get off your high horse and admit you are wrong, you are wrong in the fact that you shouldn't be using your moderating verbs as a toy. I would enjoy it if you had fun, yes, but to boot people for no apparent reason, is wrong and should not be done, regardless if you are having fun and regardless if others thinks it is fun.

Sure you are going to still be having players that play this game, good for you and good for this game.

And you don't understand why people get mad over being booted for no reason? If you do not understand that, get on Icon Ultima, I'll show you how it feels.

Ew we got a Icon Ultima feg! BASH EM! BASH BASH BASH BASH! But yeah I sense a bit of hatred in that comment of yours. Want to talk it out? I can healz thy mental ailments, relieve stress...just talk to me. -grabs recliner- Now tell me, what does this image look like? 8=========D~~~~
I see people are afraid of criticism.

Don't like it? Get away from humans, because, news to Seph, you will get criticized. Regardless if someone played the game or not, I'm criticizing the behavior on these comments, if you are going to talk to me.

And if you don't give a damn, don't comment or reply to it, nuff said. Because you cared enough to respond.
LycanGoddess wrote:
I see people are afraid of criticism.

Don't like it? Get away from humans, because, news to Seph, you will get criticized. Regardless if someone played the game or not, I'm criticizing the behavior on these comments, if you are going to talk to me.

And if you don't give a damn, don't comment or reply to it, nuff said. Because you cared enough to respond.

Wait...humans? You're not a human? So what are you, a cyclops like Inu? YAY INU FOUND A SOLEMATE!!! Party!!!
...A few things.
1: From Lycan's Byond page: "Some kid on a game I moderate... So, he goes and says our staff are horrible, which probably is true, since they like to troll people, and I admit I do too."
You admit that you like to troll people as a moderator, yet criticize us for the same thing?

2: Lycan has never played the game. The whole point of this comment board is to post stuff related to the game, generally after you've played it.

3: Unbounded, I'm sure there are many other worse games "deserving" of your views (please note: heavy sarcasm!), so why hate on a simple Megaman fan-game with an obviously low player count? What did we do to make you so butthurt? Do you need some Preparation H? I jest, of course.

4: Who is Lycan, honestly? Never played the game, yet pops up shortly after Unbounded goes and rants about the game. Either it's an alt or a friend, with either possibility making both Lycan and Unbounded look bad. As it appears, Unbounded is upset that we apparently did "something" to offend him, and s/he's either using the alt Lycan to back himself up or calling in a friend card on a person who admits to having no idea what the game is like.

5: I lost The Game.
That's all for me, no more caring about the subject. Kekekekeke...
Hiroyuki wrote:
Ew we got a Icon Ultima feg! BASH EM! BASH BASH BASH BASH! But yeah I sense a bit of hatred in that comment of yours. Want to talk it out? I can healz thy mental ailments, relieve stress...just talk to me. -grabs recliner- Now tell me, what does this image look like? 8=========D~~~~

Lol, I see you just lost. Calling me a fag because I am from Icon Ultima. Pathetic. Sorry to say, but I can sense irony in your post.

I think you have it backwards, you are the one that is hateful. I have no hate to you, or to anyone here. Good try though, good try.

And no thanks, you can put your dick in your own mouth though. I can help you with that, just let me get my knife and I'll chop it off for you and stick it in your mouth while there is cum on it.
Unbounded, seems I found who you are.
Seriously, LatterDay, gtfo.
Weeeeeeeeell, i have better things to do than converse with morons. just wanted to prove why this game sucks, now we have living record of why all of you are idiots.

Special thanks to Hiroyuki for proof of why people shouldn't play, should i decide not to send an email to Capcom.

" we do it out of pure joy for the other players, as well of our own pleasure..."
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