Megaman Wars

by Dixon
Megaman Wars
Colonel vs Harpuia!? Bass vs Sigma!? Who will win?
Yuskimaru281 wrote:
Totally jealous. I wish I was as cool as you too ray. Maybe....just maybe....I can steal ideas/codes and call it my own I can almost be as cool as you. OH MY BIGGEST WISH PLEASE COME TRUE.

*looks at the whole business of Video Gaming* Amazing how you ain't bashing anyone for stealing RPG engines from FF or Dragon Quest.

As for Code, again, we've clarified this.

Great job being immature though. No wonder MMW lets you stay around.
Yuskimaru281 wrote:
Totally jealous. I wish I was as cool as you too ray. Maybe....just maybe....I can steal ideas/codes and call it my own I can almost be as cool as you. OH MY BIGGEST WISH PLEASE COME TRUE.
@Latoma Ignore me if you want to be mature about it. Honestly call me what you want doesnt phase me much. Both of your are keeping me entertained. I guess i shall watch myself and hope not to be too MATURE on MMW otherwise HDK will ban me for being mature OH NO.

@ray HAHA not denying it ehh? K
The Overlord wrote:
Yuskimaru281 wrote:
@Latoma Ignore me if you want to be mature about it. Honestly call me what you want doesnt phase me much. Both of your are keeping me entertained. I guess i shall watch myself and hope not to be too MATURE on MMW otherwise HDK will ban me for being mature OH NO.

@ray HAHA not denying it ehh? K

First off, I don't even know you.
Secondly, i'm not "Ray" I abandoned that key long ago.
Third, Versus is not a rip.
Fourth, learn to stop being a keyboard warrior if not, than you guys won't like my reaction.

Just shut up, enjoy your side of the grass that is full of lies and low IQ levels.

Times do change, but I doubt you or anyone from Megaman Wars ever will.

LOL RAY RAY RAY IS RAY RAY RAGING LOLOLOL ROFL LMAO RAYGING. RAY RAY RAY you are soo cool. Wish i can drop my IQ down to your level.
My saves were wiped is there anything you can do to get them back for me that would help. I had about 7k kills and it went down to like around 2500 kills
can anyone get my kills and characters back pls
dis be old
shoulda saved
Wut happend? O.o
wow this happened twice today -_-
Quite weird how we cannot login...
Wow plz can we get this back up -.-
i want the server to be up 24/7 D:<

Vote for Ronan!!! *troll face*
So I heard you guys have no lives and, though you truly want to do nothing but play this game, still suck at it.
if shinings gay and you know it clap your hands! *claps*
Well Inuyasha, I heard u liek mudkiepz?
Can you enable joystick support for this game?
unmuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee plz
how did i know stats were reduce i dont play this 24/7 and i never said a specific char for reqs i asked if u got chars for perfect kills erriki said maybe. also judai was like a friend now a dick
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