![]() Jun 28 2011, 7:47 am
idiot, it's called paypal, it's automatically go into dollar format once it reaches him.
{Gorilla --->}Super Saiyan X: LOL
{Gorilla --->}Super Saiyan X: nigger doesn't know how paypal works {Gorilla --->}Super Saiyan X: lol 1st I'm not a nigger 2nd u a jerk 3rd I know paypal 4th you will need to pay to Dixon for unban you from his game! xD |
Heres something about your staff,Dixon:
[BOSS]Cliff, Brofessor of the Cosmos: Wiping his save was rather unnecessary. Raging_Warlock has logged in! {Gorilla --->}Joshua Bieber: Give him 500 kills then? {Gorilla --->}Super Saiyan X: I offered to restore it. {Gorilla --->}Super Saiyan X: $13. {Gorilla --->}Super Saiyan X: I get a new pony {Gorilla --->}Super Saiyan X: he gets his save back [BOSS]Cliff, Brofessor of the Cosmos: ....Why are you two fucking staff? Seriously. Just to be dicks, all day? |
{Gorilla --->}Super Saiyan X: I fuck off CLiff!and not intresting me idiot dixon
{Gorilla --->}Super Saiyan X: srsly though, why is this guy spamming the hub begging for dixon Merlin:WTF?? THey are pissing you off >O>! |
{Gorilla --->}Levi: Because he didn't believe me when I warned him that ZV was going to wipe him.
{Gorilla --->}Joshua Bieber: He wanted to bet me I wouldn't DON'T LIE! You wanted to bet me! so SHUT UP! |
Natojames: >.>
Natojames: someone wiped my kills last time lol Nato! Joshua did! |
You know. Im getting really tired of seeing everyone complain about what lousy staff we have. Especially since, for the most part, they have every right to complain. I do everything I can to be fair, and what do you guys do? Log in, and fuck with people all day. Feels nice, knowing that a lot of people consider us a bunch of assholes, just cause a couple guys. And you know who you are. Grow the fuck up.
OMG! It wasn't me idiot. Levi wiped Naruto. And all you are doing is sitting here spamming the comment section. One comment was enough, more then one makes you look immature and like a complete idiot.
We do have a lot of staff, and some tend to abuse from time to time. Players DO get annoying. And when we do something for a good reason, they still complain. The way I see it, people complain no matter what you do. Change the map? Some people like it, some people don't. Thing is, everyone is entitled to their opinions. Just quit expressing those opinions over nothing. Also, Merlin, quit spamming the hub. You're lucky it was just 500 kills that you lost, I can help you get those back easily when events get fixed. But don't start bitching and moaning over it. We DO also have good staff members willing to help and keep it fair, as Cliff said.
idc taht he wiped my kills only was 10kills lmao and ik they were just jokn around so doesnt matter.
Natojames wrote:
idc taht he wiped my kills only was 10kills lmao and ik they were just jokn around so doesnt matter. Atleast someone gets it. |