I got to dragonball Z and realized it was a lie, not bad though.
Guys - remember Gmail?

Oh, your good.
I know this isn't really an april fools joke, just a confession with the guise of one.
Airjoe wrote:
You had me going until "I have access to the complete source code and icons from three major BYOND DBZ games, as well as a Naruto game that has a few elements that could be easily massaged to fit the concept."

That's almost the entire post. I was shocked. Very good job.

Aside from the fact I have to take him seriously. I got to "obviously anime" and I knew he was BSing us. There's no way he'd let the television hang on an anime for any period of time, let alone enough time for him to get in the story.

All that said though. It could be reverse psychology!
I got to the part where you mentioned having a wife and then I realized the horrible facade I was being suckered into.
The Sender wrote:
I got to the part where you mentioned having a wife and then I realized the horrible facade I was being suckered into.

Um, he does have a wife.
Pretty good.
The Naked Ninja wrote:
I know this isn't really an april fools joke, just a confession with the guise of one.

My guess is that only the last half (past the having/using sources point) is the joke... The first half is the confession!
Same as Puppy - I thought your eyes had been opened to the fact that the show itself was actually amusing, regardless of the abominable quality of its fan games.

Depressing, but well done.
SuperSaiyanGokuX wrote:
The Naked Ninja wrote:
I know this isn't really an april fools joke, just a confession with the guise of one.

My guess is that only the last half (past the having/using sources point) is the joke... The first half is the confession!

After being on BYOND for eight years, there's no way he couldn't identify Dragon Ball Z from the get go, from all the pictures on all the DBZ hubs he's suppressed over the years.

I don't buy any of it. Which just means that after Lummox has conned you all out of your money with his suave words and sophisticated vocabulary... I'll probably be lying in a ditch somewhere when he realises his conning has failed and he Lummox Punches me to death... erm.
Heh, you managed to write this well enough to keep me in it up until you said you fired up BYOND in search of DBZ games. That's pretty impressive considering I know you could recognize Dragonball well before you picked up on any sort of story element.
Haha, this guy is awesome.
Tiberath wrote:
SuperSaiyanGokuX wrote:
The Naked Ninja wrote:
I know this isn't really an april fools joke, just a confession with the guise of one.

My guess is that only the last half (past the having/using sources point) is the joke... The first half is the confession!

After being on BYOND for eight years, there's no way he couldn't identify Dragon Ball Z from the get go, from all the pictures on all the DBZ hubs he's suppressed over the years.

I don't buy any of it. Which just means that after Lummox has conned you all out of your money with his suave words and sophisticated vocabulary... I'll probably be lying in a ditch somewhere when he realises his conning has failed and he Lummox Punches me to death... erm.

I actually saw a Dragonball Rip once that had one of the most powerful moves in the game as "Lummox Punch"... lmao.
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