Kingdom Hearts: The Heart Within

by MagicBLC13
Kingdom Hearts: The Heart Within
Remember, Only You Can Open The Door.

Kingdom Hearts: The Heart Within
KH:THW Is one of the first Kingdom Hearts game to appear on BYOND. After many hiatuses on development over 4 years, this game is once again online and being updated. We may not have the best art or programming, but we're working on it.

Staff List

  • MagicBLC13 (Creator)
  • Dragon7994
  • EnigmaticGallivanter (Misc.)
  • Dangerous Man
  • Minwu
  • Kiddredragon
  • SladeJT (Assistant Iconer)
  • WarsSnake (Assistant Iconer)
  • Winchester (Host)

Worlds Available

  • Destiny Island
  • Traverse Town
  • Land Of The Dragons
  • Olympus Coliseum
  • Beast's Castle
  • Twilight Town
  • Halloween Town
  • Wonderland
  • The World That Never Was (Closed)
  • Hunred Acre Wood (Closed)
  • Disney Castle (Closed)
  • Port Royal (Closed)
  • Space Paranoids (Closed)

(At the current time, only small portions of some worlds are open)
An Update Log will be placed in this section after a list of "Things To Do" and "Things Done" list is compiled.
Hub content design and such made by EnigmaticGallivanter.
... what are you doing to the game that the server is gone for so long ... I cant stand it this game is so fun!
wen game gona come back if u need help with hosting ill help
Xxdragonslxx wrote:
... what are you doing to the game that the server is gone for so long ... I cant stand it this game is so fun!

wat do u do

Don't worry about the typically happens because Magic is the only one that hosts this game now and Winchester isn't around much anymore to leave the game open for 24/7. I'm sorry for the inconvience but add this game to your favorites and wait until it reads "Kingdom Hearts: The Heart Within is online." That's really the only thing I can say before people start to complain worse and this discussion page of this game would be filled with complaints. Sorry for the inconvience. Add this game to your favorites and wait until it comes back up. That's really the only thing that I can say.

EDIT: If you are curious on how this game is played, leave your comments on the discuss page and I will inform you on what I know.

EDIT: It's a PvP (Player vs. Player) and PvE (Player vs. Enviroment) type of game if you are curious though.
no worries people, sorry to have kept you all waiting but i will be bringing all my games back up shortly. hooray summer :D
i have been waiting for your game to be up for like 1 year first to say so im super excited to have you bring it up, but when i click join, it said im tofar out of date, but i am up to date , how can that actually work?
Im glad to see a new original game out it's about time a guy gets bored playing naruto, bleach, and dbz oh not trying to advertise or anything just saying to other players too look out for my original game too Gundam Ground Zero peep the hub and screenshots and forums
Ishani937 wrote:
Im glad to see a new original game out it's about time a guy gets bored playing naruto, bleach, and dbz oh not trying to advertise or anything just saying to other players too look out for my original game too Gundam Ground Zero peep the hub and screenshots and forums

New...? Do you look at hubs? this game has been around since at least 2006.
Last time the server was up I banned myself for "lulz". Can we undo that.
This Games Good :)
This game's base and coding is bad o_O
And you say that because Its Not the Exact Copy of your Kh game.And This game Gets a fair amount of players.
I want to help you with your game, I'm also making a game like this so I want to help with anything I can, even hosting, I have VPS provider so I can host a perfect server :)
xD, I thought KH games were exstinct please bring it up lols , I wanna see how it plays lols
Host D:
What happen to the game?
D: bring the game back up
wtf happened to this game Dx
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