
by Ultifighter
Byond's Best Shoot 'em up here...
SpaceBar = Fire
Tab = Next Weapon
F1 = Equip (Though you can use the next weapon macro)
F2 = Say
F3 = Save
F4 = Reload...(Auto-Reloads Anyway)

Red Bar = Health Blue Bar = Ammo

Version 5:---Custom Characters.
Oh yeh alot was done...
1)Nearly 70% Less Bad guys which means they are now stronger than ever.
2)More Gun Power. Wahoo.
3)One EXTRA gun (Hyper Laser)
4)Great Custom Characters
5)Longer time for you and the bad guys to respawn.
6)Website is up
7)Marcos are set
8)No more stat panels
9)New Login Screen
10)New Ai system
11)Lag i hope has been sorted out

Version 4:---Wahoo.
Ok Version 4 in finally out... Have i done alot of work in this update OH YEH....
1)AREA 2 is added Wahoo...!!! you've got a car and you have to make your way though the street (more like a maze) and try to find Michael's Base..
2)Hahaa this update was to all them chickens who tried to complete the game by running though it all, As i have made the delay of the bad guy seeing you and attack you alot quicker rather than 5 second wait its 1 second wait OH YEH!!!!!
3)The delay of reloading your gun and firing it as been shorten as well... So you can fire much quicker now XD..
4)Each time you complete a level your max_hp goes up by 10 so you can have more of a chance to survive.
Enjoy Version 4

Version 3:----Out of Alpha with no bugs (hopes)
1)If you die you come back in the extact same spot 5 seconds later with full health..
2)Bad guys actually respawn now unlike before..
3)The are now 11 levels rather than the 4..
4)11 levels contain of part 1 of game so AREA 1 is completed and AREA 2 and 3 are being worked on.
5)Health packs are on..
6)Even better gun system than before..

I would like to thank ShadowDarke in helping me out in them tough spots that i got myself into..

So please play, Comment on the game over the forums and have lots of fun,

If you want to chat or offer help on furture Ulti-products then please contact me on [email protected] or on AIM:- UltiFighter04