Im trying to code in the following leader ranks and i would appreciate it if you could help me out because everything I've tried doesn't work. Im trying to code in bount leader, Inoue leader,Sado Leader, Quincy Leader, Qwillow leader and ranks, Sard Leader and ranks, Bountard Leader and ranks but i cant seem to figure it out. |
Mar 29 2012, 10:43 am
Your post suggests that you tried something. Would you mind telling me what you tried?
verb Make_Bounto_Leader(mob/M in world) set name="Make Bounto Leader" set category="GM" |
That tells me nothing. You put everything except the actual code in the post.
Next time, please use the <dm> and </dm> tags. Also, that is not "everything" (although I didn't doubt that you didn't try much when I posted). Your fix is simple. I'm guessing you're storing rank on the player in a variable? verb Hardly difficult. |
if you want to give the leader add this somewhere with your procs when they login
if(usr.rank=="Bount Leader") //if their rank is the bount leader usr.verbs+=typesof(/mob/Bount_Leader/verb) //it gives them the bount leader verbs with your verbs, you put this mob/Bount_Leader/verb Add_Comander(mob/M in world) if(usr.class == "Bount") if(usr.rank == "") usr.rank = "Commander" else usr.rank = "" |