Dragonball Burning Pride

by Sabbath
Dragonball Burning Pride

Burning Pride

Created by Sabbath and Anunaki

Coming soon 2020

Ive been waiting for it to come back up ever since that one day. What happened Sabbath?
Caim852 wrote:
Ive been waiting for it to come back up ever since that one day. What happened Sabbath?

It's supposedly coming back. Abusive GMs and all.
Make me a GM ill have this game Like it should Be
Some 1 put the Game back Up
Ok who the Fuck is this GM Ky he banned me for killing him wtf thats bullshit no lie
Ok Kazuo u can Perm Ban Me for this i realy dont Care but who ever this effing Ky is is abusing his fucking GM powers and banned me for no reason he is always booting muteing and shit for no reason and if u want to bann me there are more games i can play sorry to say it like that but id rather play another game then put up with Bull shit GM abusing his Powers
wow u bann me yet again for killing you
OMG its saturday night and no 1 has put the game back up yet i no yall cant be asleep
Im Not sure if its just me but alday Saturday i could not get into game was it down or something
Man this shit is not fair why only on the days that i dont have to work is the fucking game down all day thats bs
Rock Lee Freak wrote:
Man this shit is not fair why only on the days that i dont have to work is the fucking game down all day thats bs

FFS man, go do something other than play this game. Its not that fucking serious.
For a DBZ game there sure are a lot of fans with Naruto names here.
Masterkey210 wrote:
cant wait for the game to come back up, im tierd of playing rips >.>

This game is a rip... ?
Masterkey210 wrote:
Son Danny wrote:
Masterkey210 wrote:
cant wait for the game to come back up, im tierd of playing rips >.>

This game is a rip... ?

if this game is a rip then its the best rip and if its the best i like to call it the original

That makes absolutely no sense.

Thats like saying the original phone is an iphone, or an android. Which is just as stupid of a statement.

But hey, if you like the sound of that, by all means believe it, lol.
what is this a rip of?
and when is the game coming back up this is one of my favorite games
Can wait for this game to come back up one of the best DBZ games ever
comin when this game gonna come on. i've been waitin for a year or over for this game to come back. Come on please put this game back on
anyone can make a dbz game as good as this one the main thing that made it good was the fact that it has no SZs(except GH which shouldve been taken away anyway. Think about it how many pvp dbz games do u know about without SZs (seriously if u know one id like to play it XD)
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