![]() Apr 16 2011, 11:28 am
Can someone put on a game of Cow Rp?
Most of the GM'S here will boot you without reason, listen to my story:I was RPing as a farmer, trying to find some animals, so a guy comes at me and kills me, he said:"You are not allowed to enter in the castle"AFTER he killed me, he came up with a reason, so yeah, he should be booted, but instead the GM booted me because i was talking "IC"(I was dead....-_-) in OOC, that's called paying someone for something.....and that is why the GM's here are poorly selected from Nintendo fans
Dragonslayerxxl wrote:
Most of the GM'S here will boot you without reason, listen to my story:I was RPing as a farmer, trying to find some animals, so a guy comes at me and kills me, he said:"You are not allowed to enter in the castle"AFTER he killed me, he came up with a reason, so yeah, he should be booted, but instead the GM booted me because i was talking "IC"(I was dead....-_-) in OOC, that's called paying someone for something.....and that is why the GM's here are poorly selected from Nintendo fans Dragon, just checked the logs. You were booted for having a non-rp name. Read the rules next time. Also, what is wrong with Nintendo? |
I don't want to write this. It might seem really bad.But here it is.
I was banned from a game i barely participated in. I know people started acting immature and at some point even i started shouting in the OOC. So i was banned. This is how the story goes: I spawn as a Jester, a guard comes in and pushed me around to the prison, shackles me and leaves me there for DEAD literaly. For like 30 minutes i was in the jail for no reason at all, he did not even rp, he just said : You pushed me around, and i just have spawned.... Then after i got free, i passed out while asking for a peasant to talk to the king . We rped with the peasant and finnaly found myself in the middle of the peasant village. So i go back to the caslte. The King is Gone, the necromancer is OOC killing people and there is the same peasant that helped me before in a guard suit helping the NEcro kill people. He also killed me, of course i attacked him only because he randomly attacked peasants. The necromancer and the peasant did not even Rp one little bit of all this, so the rest of the peasants try to enter the caslte. They did something called ladder glitch , and at some point i DO admit i did it too, but afterwards i heard that it was a glitch so i went back. I got booted then for naming a guy Ghost. (it is an actual name in some religions but i won't argue i accept the boot) I enter with another peasant only to fight chaos growing... and then i get banned for some reason? Really i don't mind getting banned as long as you tell me WHY.I will accept it cause i respect authorities. Btw i barely actively played the round for 15 minutes...cause of the imprisonement.(Sorry for my english, i am pretty irritated right now) Also masterdarwin88 has been really disrespectfull. I don't like being called a noob(and many other adjective i don't want to pronounce here) for any reason. |
Oh, well i was reading the rules, well other than that, i'm a hater don't respond on it, but still, that other non-RP killer should be punished too.
I was not a necromancer. I was simply a hunter with dyed clothing. And I went into the castle and was immediately mobbed by 3 people for no reason. So I fight back. Then I lock the castle to keep everyone out. Then some jester starts shoving me into enemies and crap so I knock him out. He attacks me, I kill him. Then the noobs uber stair glitch over and I kill most of them off before Smash gets pissed off and round banns me.
And also, Dragon, you deserved that bann. And also, you noobs, instead of posting your complaints here, go to the freaking forum. http://z15.invisionfree.com/Cow_RP/index.php?act=idx You want my full side of this story? http://z15.invisionfree.com/Cow_RP/ index.php?showtopic=3925&st=0&#;last |
No, then you deserved your ban too, you must know that a a commoner you're not allowed into the castle, unless it's together with RP, but alas, no, so it's your own fault that you got banned
And, you're ALSO posting YOUR complaints here, that makes you a noob too, have a bad day and i hope you'll burn in hell :).
MasterDarwin, i'm just reading your full story, and smash is RIGHT, you think that you are a godlike person, and that Darkbringer guy, he grief-kills.
Dragonslayerxxl wrote:
And, you're ALSO posting YOUR complaints here, that makes you a noob too, have a bad day and i hope you'll burn in hell :). I found that ironic too. But anyways, burning in hell is a little bit extreme. |
Ok ok, i'm following the rules smoothly now, though griefing will never stop, listen to this:The game just got rebooted and i started as a knight, ofcourse we needed to listen to the king/the tyran, he ordered us to kill the chemist because he was a zombie, so we did so(That's griefing nbr 1) and then we found out that the other knight was a zombie too, so i ordered the peasants to kill him(That's nbr 2)and they did so, after that happened my pc crashed, THAT'S ironic :P
@Nobody takes complaints on the comment section seriously.
-- Lol, you're complaining that we are complaining on the comment section, you should say touche now. |
Dragonslayerxxl wrote:
@Nobody takes complaints on the comment section seriously. He's not complaining, He's stating a fact. Now stop spamming the comment section. |