Survival. In this game by Polatrite, you're stranded on a tropical island, with nothing but your wits, and the skill you get to choose. You must build, raise your skills, and survive without being killed. In my travels on this game I found a lot of neat stuff about it. The icons on there were fairly well done. The spriter who made the icons knew what he was doing, and helped give the game a nice overall look. The gameplay was fairly easy. Although I got stuck in the beginning, I got it after awhile. It seemed somewhat tough, so it wasn't one of those ten minutes and you're bored ordeals. I did notice that there were a scarce amount of players on the game, so the community wasn't that great. You didn't really have much help to learn the game. The rules were almost impossible to avoid. Polatrite pretty much slammed them in your face, with an unremovable alert the minute you opened the game. It stayed there for 35 seconds, and saying you didn't see the alert on the rules, was pretty much suicide.
Now for more in depth storyline on "Survival." Survival is set in whatever times you wish it to be, and like I said, it's pretty much use your wits and skills, or you're the wolf next-door's supper. You train your skills, use your resources to build your shelter, make crops, and get food to survive, and you can even loot the corpse of fellow players to get goods from their dead bodies.
"Survival" by Polatrite is a very very well constructed game. I enjoyed playing and reviewing this one a lot. I'm glad my friend Kiro(Aznhero) tipped me towards this game. I give "Survival" an 8 out of 10.
I will be updating again next week with a re-vamped review for Icon Ultima. I decided that I left a lot out of it, so next Monday, IU will have a new review, including an in depth look on IU's community.
Jun 5 2005, 6:29 pm
And i'm interested to see what you say about Icon Ultima.
Don't let staff or community scare you. Say it all, and let us know how to improve it!