var/list/itemPack = list()
for(var/obj/Items/Equipment/F in src.Inventory)
itemPack = list(F)
var/E = input(src,"What equipment do you wish to fortify ?","Choose:") as null|anything in itemPack+"Cancel"
if(E == "Cancel") return
if(F.plusF == 0)
if(src.exampleOne >= 1 && src.exampleTwo >= 3 && src.actualCurrency >= 500)
src.exampleOne -= 1;src.exampleTwo -= 3;src.actualCurrency -= 500
F.statOne *= 0.10
F.statTwo *= 0.10
F.plusF = 1
src << "You succesfully improved your equipment!"
src << "You don't meet the requirements!"
Problem description: My problem is, it only shows one object at time, shouldn't it show all the objects I have in inventory in that list ? This is probably a very easy fix, but I don't see how I can manage it, I tried all I know, unless something in that code is wrong. Thanks in advance. PS: Code is only half done, just want to know why that happens.
Also, itemPack = list(F) sets the list to a single object every time, you need itemPack += F or the Add() proc. It's already defined as a list, so you don't need to change from a list to a list.