I hate this turd. He has offered NOTHING to Byond in the past 4 YEARS he has had his key.
4 years of just screwing around on other people's games, and he hasn't tried to make one of his own. Not ONCE. How lazy does a guy have to be? This must be a new low for people who act like they're too good to contribute.
All he ever does is lurk around the Byond forums when he's not idling in some random fangame for 30 minutes or so. Look at this chatlog.
Sarm: 'ello.
Sarm: You're such an idiot.
Sarm: Excuse me?
Sarm: You heard me. You don't do anything. Why the hell do you hang around here?
Sarm: ...because I want to?
Sarm: That's not good enough you lazy twit. Stop acting so high and mighty when you're too inept to make your own game, and stop trash-talking other people and the effort they put into their games.
Sarm: Pardon me? I don't recall ever doing that.
Sarm: Stop lying, you backstabber. I've seen you go into zeta rips and spam the games to the point of crashing.
Sarm: I haven't the foggiest idea of hat you're talking about. I've never set foot in a zeta game before. It doesn't interest me. If all you're going to do is accuse me if things I've never done, I'd appreciate it if you took your opinions and kindly shove them up your ass.
Sarm: Shut up. You can't tell me what to do.
Connection died.
And he banned me! I can't even think straight right now. Dantom needs to do Byond-ban him or something. I'm sick of him.
Oh yeah. I also banned you from my journal so you can't comment. Ha!
![]() Nov 26 2005, 1:08 pm
![]() Nov 26 2005, 1:16 pm
I agree. What an asshole.
Personally, I think that the BYOND community should do more to recognize and appreciate good players; there's this idea that only developers add to the community. Also, there's a tendancy for developers, who have to spend a great deal of time troll-proofing their project, to think of players as troublesome pests that happen to inhabit games.
You are a player, and that's what you bring to this community. You are the reason we make games. |
Yeah Sarm, Sarm definately deserves a ban. All he does is waste BYONDs bandwith, albeit with hilarious material, but waste nonetheless!
Uh...I just wont comment anymore. Sorry Sarm, but this is just to weird for even MY taste.
Don't worry Gits. T'was just a joke. :) My way of commenting on the sudden wave of dramabomb journal entries that have cropped up lately.
What I didn't expect was a taste of irony when I made it. |
sarm the guy with the funny pics? if so THEN HE RULES LONG LIVE SARM THE PIC MASTA