I figured how to host i think just need people to join and play. I will try to keep it up as much as possible.
YEAH sucks i loved playing this game. server have atleast 6 people and its hella fun. perfect game besides the save file glitch.
I was digging through some old files and came across a working copy of the Lode Wars host files.
The files don't seem to be available here. Anyone need them, you'll know I got them. |
I'd play Lode Wars again if others would. Man, I miss this game like Hell. I tried hosting long ago but never could get it to work.
I have two brothers who loved the game too. Both would likely play if there was enough interest. |
Download host files here:
If you attempt to run lodewar2.dmb directly, a window will open with the error "nonsubscribed host. Shutting down..."
What you do instead is run BYOND.exe, then either press Ctrl + D or select "Start Dream Daemon" from the menu. You can also run dreamdaemon.exe directly. Then, open lodewar2.dmb using file > open or using the button with the three dots above the grayed-out "GO" button to browse for lodewar2.dmb. Then, hit go. If your world is reachable by players, you will get a green message saying "BYOND hub reports port ##### can be reached by players.".
If not, you may get this message:
"BYOND hub reports port ##### cannot be reached by players.
A firewall or router may be interfering with your connection. For information on hosting worlds through a firewall or router, please visit BYOND Help or portforward.com."
If you attempt to join your own world through Dream Daemon, it will crash. You have to join it either at http://www.byond.com/games/leftley/lodewars, by opening BYOND and joining there, or entering byond://yourworld'sipaddress into your browser.
You can still play on your own server and you can still exercise some powers as the host, such as kicking and banning people, but will not have the full range of abilities that a subscribed host would have.