who said i coded them i have friends who are good coder i icon my iconing skills are awesome
I'm Confuse, We're going Bang, Bang, Or are We Heading the Station Wagon somewhere Else. He acts like this is his T.V show. Lmao!
Decideroflife jub gave them to me and decider do you remember that bug in the PU Rips were you can get gm when you type that thing on the buttom the thing like add gm or something
RAWR!!!! NARUTO GOA PWNS, but ever since Masterdan left the game to kobata hes just been making it worse O_o
IcewarriorX wrote:
bobbyaweful. I'm bobbyawesome's bodyguard. Leave him alone. XD |
Rip Nation wrote:
IcewarriorX wrote: .> |
LeaveBobbyAlone wrote:
Rip Nation wrote: Oh so you're the real bodyguard. Well I'll leave it to you then. |
This is... Not true. I'm not a powerful person on BYOND, and you will get insulted just as much. If you want to be insulted less, do what I said and delte most your hubs, and only work on one or two things. And make sure they're fully original.