I'm looking for the best bang for my buck, here. If any guitarists here can suggest some amps, I'll be sure to check them out next time I'm in Austin.
The other day, I hung out in Guitar Center for a while, and I tried out a couple of Behringer amps; the GMX212 and the LX210. Both 120 watts, and played great -- though I did like the LX better. Plenty of power, and it has effects on it, so it has a decent tone. So far, I'm thinking about getting a stack of the same amp (the one I tried being a combo amp). Here it is:

Head: Behringer LX1200H. 32 preamp models, 15 cabinet simulations, 16 various other effects, 120 watts
Cabinet: Behringer BG412V, 200 watts, 4 12" Bugera speakers.
I'm eager to hear any suggestions you may have. Thanks!