Calling all musicians! Since I've started playing guitar, I've only had a small practice amp -- a 10 watt Crate. It's great for everything I've been using it for, because I didn't need to use it for much. I use it paired with a Boss GT-6 effects processor, and it's been fine up until now. A while back, I bought my brother a set of drums. Yeah, not good. We've used the drums a few times to record, and a couple of times to play together, but my poor amp can hardly be heard over those drums.

I'm looking for the best bang for my buck, here. If any guitarists here can suggest some amps, I'll be sure to check them out next time I'm in Austin.

The other day, I hung out in Guitar Center for a while, and I tried out a couple of Behringer amps; the GMX212 and the LX210. Both 120 watts, and played great -- though I did like the LX better. Plenty of power, and it has effects on it, so it has a decent tone. So far, I'm thinking about getting a stack of the same amp (the one I tried being a combo amp). Here it is:

Head: Behringer LX1200H. 32 preamp models, 15 cabinet simulations, 16 various other effects, 120 watts
Cabinet: Behringer BG412V, 200 watts, 4 12" Bugera speakers.

I'm eager to hear any suggestions you may have. Thanks!
Most of the people at Guitar Center over here are full of shit. Go with a Mesaboogie!
This had nothing to do with the people at Guitar Center. The only thing they did was point me to the amp I asked them to point me to -- I plugged in, I played it, I liked it. Besides, MESA/Boogie amps are a bit on the expensive side. I'm looking for inexpensive, but not cheap. Behringer tends to deliver that.
I wouldn't go with Behringer. I got one of their effects proccessor pedals and it sounds like crap. I know you tried them out but did you compare them to other makes? Oh, my pedal also has glitches with my saved effects. I'd look into Marshals if you can afford it.
I compared it to a Marshall stack, and I liked the Behringer more. Marshall is pretty pricey though... I'd love to get a MESA/Boogie, but those are way out of my price range. I'm not expecting the amp I get to last me for the rest of my life... And remember what I'm upgrading from -- ANYTHING is better.

Thanks for the feedback.
A little off topic but I see you have Steve Vai listed as an interst. Did you know he played guitar in the Halo 2 songs? He ownes!
Have you looked at Fender, Line6, Vox or Peavey? I can't really comment on them though. I guess I just hate Behringer >.< lol

To SuperAntx:
Steve Vai is definitely the man. And it's not because he played a Halo 2 song.
I played a Peavey and a Fender, but they were a little tinny sounding for me. I'll check out Line 6 and Vox, though isn't Line 6 really pricey? I thought they were primarily high-quality recording amps, or something.

As for Steve Vai, he's definitely an excellent musician. I love his whole Real Illusions: Reflections CD. My number one favorite of his is still Tender Surrender, though.
Kustom makes good amps, and they may be in your price range, too. That's my suggestion.
Heh. Last year I would have been trying to get you to buy my MusicMan 212 Seventy-Five. I managed to get my PS2 without selling it though. I don't bother with an amp on the rare occasions I play anymore. However, it's precious to me for some odd reason. Maybe it's because it seems to be built to last.
I agree that behringer delivers some good, cheap products. I've never played their amps, but I do own the vamp 2. I absolutely LOVE it for leads and clean tones, but for a good metal rhythm tone, I find it lacking. I might be spoiled by my Peavey 5150 though.

What type of music do you usually play? You might want to consider the V-Ampire instead. The V-Amp 2 I own is awesome, and the V-Ampire is just a head version of it with a poweramp.

Line 6 is known for the high-price recording amps, and Behringer is known for cheaper versions of Line 6 products (as far as guitar goes anyway, behringer sells alot of PA stuff as well).

If you want to hear what a V-Amp sounds like, you can listen to any of the songs I have recorded. The V-Ampire will sound pretty close to that.
Gah, just realized that is a V-Ampire. You should be pretty happy with it if you decide to get it.
Check out Carvin.