Gozie12 wrote:
let there be pwipe....... man pwipe so we can start over Yeah D:< return the power to the people! Damix wrote: You died long ago... Guess he respawned, woopedy doo *_* |
why is game down hopefully it comes back up soon and when it does hopefully theres a pwipe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i say if we start getting 50 players on multiple times then yea sure....but its only at 39 max and thats rare
This game probably isn't going to have a pwipe. Maybe Whitney and Bones are currently updating their computers or what not. But I wouldn't mind a Pwipe. #Team_Pwipe Lls.
-Mortal Kombat |
yea pwipe wudnt be bad cept id have to once again surpass the newbness.....lol but i wudnt mind giving them a fair chance....#pwipe
yolo wants a pwipe cuz he lost kana....i know what u did last summer...u bind whore xD
u damn right thats exactly why i want it but my alt will catch up to u all regardless of when i remake....and u damn sure aint touchin yolo lol
UPDATE WHY SERVER IS DOWN: host is currently enjoying christmas so it should be up tonight or tomarrow at the latest
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