Shinobi Of Legend

by Saucepan Man
Shinobi of Legend (SoL) is a Ninja MMORPG loosely based around the world of Naruto. Set on an expansive map, players can train their characters to match their own unique playing style. Training can be done solo, co-op, or by just playing the game.
il pay for a shell sever for the hole of this year for you guys all i need is spm to talk to me....
The ComeBack wrote:
Lol you're implying that SoL isn't a real game great job there fag so technically you're not a Real GM if thats the case, second you're not next to Mystery, though we're not really friends Mystery is a better GM and will always be above you, shit Whitney was a better GM and shes been playing for like 5 months, anyway no one loves you, you have a sandy vag, you're a hippy etc bai :D

Edit* Kashi no ones trying to see what we can "Get away with" what are you gunna do mute me ban me who gives a fuck i have this thing called a life you know that thing you lost at the same time you lost your ass virginity

Loli, learn to stfu. ._.
Actually no, I was chosen to be a GM by SPM himself, not while he was gone.

Just further proof you don't know what you're babbling about. I'm not sweating the game being down, I have stuff irl I'm busy taking care of.

Dad had a heartattack last monday, had a major open heart surgery 5 days ago and now I'm spending most of my time taking care of him or playing minecraft to pass the time until I'm needed.

As far as sol being down, I was one of the major fighters keeping it up, but I don't have time to care about it now.

Besides you guys are such ingrates, Mystery hosts the game and without him there is no game unless some miracle happens, but every time he hosts you all just bitch about everything.

Zodiak1284 wrote:
Actually no, I was chosen to be a GM by SPM himself, not while he was gone.

-cough- Trial GM -cough- hadn't got the job yet. you were a temp.

Zodiak1284 wrote:
Besides you guys are such ingrates, Mystery hosts the game and without him there is no game unless some miracle happens, but every time he hosts you all just bitch about everything.

^ Very true.
Ok not that I side with kashi, In fact I don't even particularly like the guy but he is right on some points

Zodiak1284 wrote:

..However while I'm here, I wonder if you guys have any idea why I treat you like a bunch of complete idiots. Besides your incessant complaining and such, 9 times out of 10 the people giving me trouble are cheating underneath the table. It's hard to find the motivation to help a bunch of ingrates, and even on my optimistic days I know that those of you treating me nicely will be talking all kinds of shit when my back is turned.

Actually not I was actually nice to you even when I joked around with a few insults. I will admit i did talk about you behind your back but i never was serious about it all i said was "aah he abuses" Even though i know you didn't. I was nice to everyone... Besides Dawid @_@ I will admit I had my occasional rages, Who doesn't? but it took a lot to get me worked up

A good example of what I was talking about is, Lolicon, treated me real nicely was a cool guy. As soon as I something he doesn't like or say something that rubs him the wrong way, he flies off the handle and attempts to slam me with every accusation he can. Knowingly without any form of evidence.

Its really no use in that department. Like you said you were chosen by spm himself who's going to believe a player's word against yours? And I think he knew that which is why he didn't go too far with his accusations.

You don't have to sit back and obey every little thing as if this is a dictatorship, but you're in no position to question what we do, if you are confused, ask about it. If that doesn't work you should probably pay more attention to how you say it, because nobody has to tell you anything, and if you sound like a total jerk-off, well you might as well go jerk off.

Most Gm's including you act as if they rule the game and don't give a shit about the player's besides red. One newbie comes to the game and doesn't know anything and bombardments you guys with questions (which should be expected) and most of you guys get mad at it or annoyed. Me, Atom, and I think Loli ask all the time why take the job if you know you're going to be annoyed. You guys knew what you were signing up for and chose to anyway don't complain about it later. You knew there'd be some people who cant speak English, Who cant spell etc etc so there is no reason to be a dickhead cause you all knew, No way around it.

Besides who honestly cares? You call the population of sol idiots all the time. Personally i've gotten used to it and just ignore it. If you're going to stress over every little thing Kashi does to you then your doing nothing but being exactly what he's calling you. An idiot the game is down just wait patiently and quietly. Now I know the forum is down so everyone needs a place to post comments or whatever but can everything not cause a rage or argument... Can't we all get along :3 XD?

HelloKitty101 wrote:
Cuz the old gms we had were MUCH better than the ones we have now. Right now, there is a cult of Mystery and his friends that have GM. Before we had Juggs, Karush, Shadow, Dens, Panda, Drarke, Synn. None of the GMs after Aburame Red were any good. Kashi, Tenshi, Noni, and the current crop.

Noni was a awesome GM :O
Any chance of someone having the Host files? Id be willing to try and host it if I had them.
Bla bla bla... I won't stop until you, who should be giving the example in SOL admit all the things you know you did wrong. Is it so that hard to say: I did it but I was wrong? That's all... Don't let your pride control your life.
If I see one more post about gms on here until we fix the game itself and get it up and running I'll search your ip addresses and come to your house and murder you and your families in your sleep. Fuck the gm issue. Just fix the fucking game.
It's not a matter of pride, hardly even right and wrong.

I've done very little wrong, no GM is perfect I do make mistakes. What are you even trying to get me to admit to? I'm a bad GM? Seems like a lot of nonsense Kilopp.


I call the population idiots, because if you see it on my side of the glass you all look quite stupid, but not necessarily ALL of you.

"A few bad apples spoil the bunch." In this case is a few more than a few, but the term can still apply.

@Reaper I completely disagree with most of your statements, but I am pleasantly surprised you didn't blindly and foolishly cast aside everything I said as wrong, without really even thinking about it.

The thing is, you don't see it from the other side of the window, your perspective is different than the staffs perspective. You also aren't taking into consideration just how much stuff we have to put up with behind the scenes that you don't see. We don't let you see even 1/2 of the stuff we do. We hardly have time for the new players since we're so busy tracking the cheating ones.

It may not seem like it, but cheating in this game is abundant, there are many ways to go about it. All of them can lead us to catching you, however it's a pain in the ass. Really at the end of the day this is NOT what we signed up for, our leader (spm) is hardly present.

The commands we use to check players and confirm cheaters and even the ones used to punish them only work in certain ways, or not at all.

Example: Jail doesn't even work right, that command is stupid, if the jailed player isn't frozen he can escape, if he relogs his timer is reset and then we have to fish around and find out who jailed him, for how long and what for.

Even if we had a whole new set of staff they would end up the same way as us, it's no coincidence that 90% of the staff are fed up with the bullshit.

And some of the players just want to demonize the staff to make a common enemy. Well, that part I just imagine is what it is.
Idea. Someone make a new game that is similar game if you like it so much. Not a rip thats bad. Make a working system to catch dem cheaters and there you go. That is the only way i can see this working itself out unless SPM returns and kicks some ass.
I'm not sayin'. I'm just sayin' what i'm sayin' cause i wanna say it, u know what i'm sayin'? So when's the only reason i get on beyond gettin' back online? don't make me delete my account!
EVERY 1 GO PLAY DIRGE OF CHAOS ON BYOND!! this focking game is off dirge is the best game of byond.............. :) -_-
lmao It's always something...
Zodiak1284 wrote:
It's not a matter of pride, hardly even right and wrong.

I've done very little wrong, no GM is perfect I do make mistakes. What are you even trying to get me to admit to? I'm a bad GM? Seems like a lot of nonsense Kilopp.


I call the population idiots, because if you see it on my side of the glass you all look quite stupid, but not necessarily ALL of you.

"A few bad apples spoil the bunch." In this case is a few more than a few, but the term can still apply.

@Reaper I completely disagree with most of your statements, but I am pleasantly surprised you didn't blindly and foolishly cast aside everything I said as wrong, without really even thinking about it.

Yea you are right on that we don't know what goes on behind the scenes. Although I really don't get how any Gm lets a player gets to them even when he/she stressed or in a bad mood

The thing is, you don't see it from the other side of the window, your perspective is different than the staff's perspective. You also aren't taking into consideration just how much stuff we have to put up with behind the scenes that you don't see. We don't let you see even 1/2 of the stuff we do. We hardly have time for the new players since we're so busy tracking the cheating ones.

That is also true

It may not seem like it, but cheating in this game is abundant, there are many ways to go about it. All of them can lead us to catching you, however it's a pain in the ass. Really at the end of the day this is NOT what we signed up for, our leader (spm) is hardly present.

During the next update if the job is really that bad ask to have your Gm verbs revoked. Its not that any Gm does a bad job right now but you guys all have low tolerance and get mad very quickly. If all of you guys had like (just an example) mine or anyone of my irl friend's tolerance you'd be the greatest lot ever. Even now i can type something similar to what everyone else was saying and not rage about it at all and actually thinking over the facts that were presented

The commands we use to check players and confirm cheaters and even the ones used to punish them only work in certain ways, or not at all.

Example: Jail doesn't even work right, that command is stupid, if the jailed player isn't frozen he can escape, if he relogs his timer is reset and then we have to fish around and find out who jailed him, for how long and what for.

Ok that is SPM'S fault guy needs to step his game up. Doing all of that should not push you over I could see if it agitated you a little but it should not push you that far

Even if we had a whole new set of staff they would end up the same way as us, it's no coincidence that 90% of the staff are fed up with the bullshit.

When I think about it, It all boils down too the basic's although you guys have a lot of shit on your plate. At the end of the day we all know like you said no GM is perfect so they have to take what they can get. They can talk shit all they want about how this Gm abuses, that Gm's a dick etc etc. but when it comes down to it their char is in your hands. So why let some common bullshit such as players push your buttons I still don't see why you guys get so mad over it you unless your boiling point is really THAT low and if it is you should probably fix that lol xD. Everyone bitches about their job its common all around the world no matter where you are.
This was the game that got me into byond. Its a shame the entire staff/player base are idiots and it cant be played. Players stop bitching. Admins stop taking your anger at the bitchers out on the actual players. I actually enjoyed it Ill admit there was a time when I was one of the bitchers but after looking at it from both perspectives I can see that both sides need to grow up.
(yes I understand admins have a hard time and get stressed. we all do we dont flip shit on the good people.)
"Blablabla" Kids bitching about a game.
"Blablabla" Unless you're an official psychologist, don't say why people do what do.
"Blablabla" Stop flaming already, it's hurting your pride.
can we just get the game back up o_o u guys r arguing for no reason rly so just stop, and I ask again can we get the game back up pls...
This is pretty ironic and funny. First we had Host but no SPM for updates. Then we had a Temp host and an SPM doing updates. Now we have no SPM and no host. Game=Completely Abandoned.

Really even if people comment here the only people who will put the game on are Blaze-E, Saucepan Man, Nova, or Mystery and if they could have put the game up they would have put it up by now. A comment on the internet is not gonna make them put it up any faster. so chill. it will be up when it is up.

Tip: Go Play outside. :D
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