Shinobi Of Legend

by Saucepan Man
Shinobi of Legend (SoL) is a Ninja MMORPG loosely based around the world of Naruto. Set on an expansive map, players can train their characters to match their own unique playing style. Training can be done solo, co-op, or by just playing the game.
dude get drug for fun back hes awsome
Cab soemone help me fix my forum account, it doesn let me in?
How so? What is the username and email?
Mystery's version has slightly less bugs and is showing to be more reliable.
Nothing against Nova, but I would recommend you try Mystery's server - it's showing higher levels of players than I saw on Nova's too. You might enjoy it :)
well people are complaining on Mystery's server beacuse sometimes it lags and Nova's server didn't lag at all but if u don't like the lag go play something else
"If you don't like the lag go play something else" is the same as "If you don't like the crime rate, don't go outside"
Having said that, the server being up at all is lucky (while I upate). And all thanks to the efforts of a few. :)
SPM, I think we should have both servers online, and give the people the chance to choose, on novas server we had 100+ players online, on mysterys server we have 50 on rush hours. You should really think about that, as the owner of the game I guess you want it to have good reputation, banning people for complaining about the lag or having GMs that disrespect the players and jail them when the players disrespect them instead of muting them, doesnt help with the reputation thing. Have a good day!
You utterly fudged the numbers; and that discredited everything else you just said.
As such, I'm lead to believe you, or someone you know, got banned for bug abuse. And you think you're more likely to get away with it on Nova's server.
Or perhaps there is a bug on Nova's version that's exploitable?

~I have actually kept a close eye on the two servers and at no time did Nova's population exceed Mystery's.
No offence to either host or anything; nothing but gratitude to both. I'm just sayin...
Do you really think Im saying this because I want to abuse? Im not banned on mysterys server nor any of my friends, I was a GM on novas server, the people used to tell me all the time how happy they were with it. And the numbers I gave you are an approximation, you can ask to someone else if you dont belive me. Ive benn playing this game for 5 pwipes, and Im NOT an abuser.
On luceids server I used to look for bugs and report them to the staff,(ask to densugu) to help them. SoL is a great game, having two servers wont harm anyone. and if you really dont want the old version up, why dont you send the new version to nova (the one running on mysterys server).
Like I already said once. SPM, you are are assuming part of the staff did, and do things right, which is faaaaaar from being true, but really far. You are obviously trusting the wrong people. Hope you realise in time, before it's too late or you will regret it later. And Rysher, you are right, but we all know you were an abuser.
on a personal level, I dont care if you are bro. And i mean that in a friendly way. If I call you an outright abuser, as far as I'm concerned you could admit it outright and I'd LOL. :)
Heck, I'd cheat.

Im making no assumptions whatsoever about the staff, nor am I commenting on their actions. I have thanked them for physically hosting.
All I'm doing is creating SoL 3.

You keep failing to realise that I literally have no control over what's happening with whos hosting what. And I'm choosing to keep it that way until SoL 3.

Nova's (or Mystery's)servers exist entirely independant of anything I do or think.
Thanks for the support kilopp, but Im not an abuser, I abused for real 4 pwipes ago and reported all the bugs I discovered, after that I keept reporting the bugs I found. I know how to do and how to detect all the bugs in-game if I have the proper verbs.
I started as an abuser, I know that, now I m not.
Zejimaru1 wrote:
SPM ~I have actually kept a close eye on the two servers and at no time did Nova's population exceed Mystery's.
No offence to either host or anything; nothing but gratitude to both. I'm just sayin...

This is true when both servers were running....BUT when it was just novas server it was averaging 70+ population. now with only Mystery's server you have averagely 40+ people.

That is funny, because everyone I know who played that server can state otherwise, and I highly doubt it myself seeing as the game went down every few hours....

Secondly, the big bonus of Nova's server was that nova (and the GM's who he got on that server) were overly generous, giving out icons to anyone while less punishments were given. Ofc people will prefer a server where they can get away with more and also get free items for playing.

Lastly, to clear things up, everyone I have banned atm is for "Bug Abuse" (and half of them are duplicates of the same person avoiding bans (namely broly)or both IP and key bans for the same person - AFK trainers get a wipe, not a ban and as for jail on people disrespecting GM's, that shouldn't be happening although I am not sure who would be doing it, I already told kashi not to do so. If people are using other forms of chat and won't stop harassing a GM however, I did state they could boot people from the game until they learn.
im just wondering if anyone wever gets on here and talks about how good the game new and i wanted to reAd the comments to see if i would be interested in the game...but i have no clue what you guys are talking about....
Its actually a pretty cool game bro. I'm saying that as a player, which is kinda weird considering I made it. But I've gotten super-involved as a player myself a few times.
PERSONALLY, though, I hate it atm. But thats just because I'm working on a sick upgrade. :)

ATM, the game's kinda hard to get the hang of. But once you do its quite addictive.
Saucepan Man wrote:
Its actually a pretty cool game bro. I'm saying that as a player, which is kinda weird considering I made it. But I've gotten super-involved as a player myself a few times.
PERSONALLY, though, I hate it atm. But thats just because I'm working on a sick upgrade. :)

ATM, the game's kinda hard to get the hang of. But once you do its quite addictive.

Yeah well some of us can't even play on Myst's server. I don't even know the guy nor have ever played on his server or made an account or character on his server and I'm banned. It said nothing last week when I tried to join.. now it says... "Bug Abuse". Mystery stated he didn't know me.. nor does his GM's. Yet I'm still banned. I came from NFF with a friend Toasty.. who everyone knows who played NFF and he can connect and play and I can't.

Also Nova's server had more players then mystery's constantly because myst bans anyone who complains about lag or talks back to him. He has OOC constantly muted because he lags that bad. People can't even talk to each other or enjoy the game with there friends when everyone is banned for no reason or can't even talk.
All I want to do is enjoy a good game with friends. Apparently that's to much to ask for and I'll probably still be banned when new version comes out... which sucks even more.
guys....all this right here? its not really inviting for new players trying to find out about the game.
@Breedhate - felt I already explained a lot of the things there, not one person is banned for anything other then bug abuse, I also already explained your account situation, and the fact that your key was used and linked to two bug abusers. I can't help you there.

Secondly, I find it interesting that if you can't play, you speak of what goes on in-game. The world is not always muted, nor is it muted due to lag, and people are still able to talk through guild, say, buddy chat etc if they wish to.
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