If you aren't paying attention you are essentially afk no? If you need a moment to do something stop training as andy said. Surely the three minutes it takes as you've said does not hamper your training too much? Whether they afk for extended periods of time or a few minutes it is the same no? If a murderer killed one person should he get any less time than someone who's killed many? Answer my question dear friend.
Kakuritsu wrote:
If you aren't paying attention you are essentially afk no? If you need a moment to do something stop training as andy said. Surely the three minutes it takes as you've said does not hamper your training too much? Whether they afk for extended periods of time or a few minutes it is the same no? If a murderer killed one person should he get any less time than someone who's killed many? Answer my question dear friend. I'll choose my own friends, thanks. but i will answer those. The diffrence is that sometimes, you'll stop paying attention without noticing it. Your girlfriend comes home or your boss calls you at home. You could get caught up in a movie, heck maybe your just tired.. It's not that it may harm your training. It's just that you're respond won't be to log out to force the macro lock to stop. I hope we're clear on that from now on. And the diffrence is rather obvious.. Where at the above situation is because of a lack of attention, the afk trainer for a longer peroid of time chooses to risk his account. As for comparing this to murder, a mass murderer will probably get a harder sentence depending on the circumstances which happends to be misunderstood in this hole 1 minute afk check rule. |
Uminox wrote:
Kakuritsu wrote: I won't read all these excuses but it 3 minutes I even poke(which is like whisper) the program will start flashing and don't tell me that won't get your attention if you are Watching a movie or w.e |
Andy24 wrote:
I won't read all these excuses but it 3 minutes I even poke(which is like whisper) the program will start flashing and don't tell me that won't get your attention if you are Watching a movie or w.e None of those are excuses as you claim them to be, all are circumstantial. If your gonne respond, please do things properly and not half ass.. Suppose if it doesn't have pictures you can't be troubled to read it? And i've never had one of those pokes/whispers during an afk check, if you'd do it on every afk check i'm sure it would make a diffrence. |
I do poke every afk check if they don't respond after 1 min if u are mad cuz u got caught afking is ur problem
Andy24 wrote:
I do poke every afk check if they don't respond after 1 min if u are mad cuz u got caught afking is ur problem I've never been caught afking, but yes. I did found it troublesome that when people didn't turn out to be 'AFKing' and came on a guest key to explain themself (within a 3 minute range) and stil had to sit out there punishment... Again, i've never been poked befor so i doubt it happends systematically. |
OldTimerz wrote:
This game went down with a little magic xD ...i remember you Baraka ur the one who did it :O |
SiMo94 wrote:
OldTimerz wrote: Lol that was one of my chars. :P But I'm not a Magician :/, no way of me able to do it. D: |
@_@ so what did i do?
lol i logged off and then now i cant log on? says im banned.......but i didnt do shit?? |
oh btw WIPE happened enjoy ^_^ |
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Could you atleast read it befor answering so bluntly, and this only comes to show that you don't care about people trying to AFK train for 12 hours or people that are just not paying attention during there training.