Shinobi Of Legend

by Saucepan Man
Shinobi of Legend (SoL) is a Ninja MMORPG loosely based around the world of Naruto. Set on an expansive map, players can train their characters to match their own unique playing style. Training can be done solo, co-op, or by just playing the game.
Tip: Go Play outside. :D lol thast a good one people should actually listen i bet theyre trying to find a game lik SOl but toguh luck its unique and what hurts about going outside and dont hate me im just adding to what nonikhanna said
Actually, you guys would have a host if you weren't so disrespectful and such ingrates.

@Nolp7 If you really think I'm taking it out on "good players" you haven't been around long enough. I'm hardly even frustrated not even mad, I'm just recycling the thoughts that have been in my head since I became staff.

If you actually go back and read the comments, mine have been rather mellow in comparison to the ones throwing mindless insults at me. However more importantly...

@Reaper I still think you're completely wrong, you have your opinion. However we both know damned well that once my mind is set there's no changing what I think. I appreciate you being civilized, but these talks aren't going anywhere.

@Everyone It's your own fault for not having a host, don't tell me some bullshit reason as to why no one can host, no one WANTS to host for you.

Mad? Go ahead, take it out on me but all I'm doing is pointing out the hurtful truth.

@Noni How odd for you to say something funny and true, usually I find your humor a bit lacking.

But the ugly truth of the matter is, no one wants to host for the players, the game isn't abandoned. The community has been abandoned.

I've met every single host of this game, except one and every one of them HATED hosting for you guys.
@Zodiak Funny when you talk about no one wanting to host. There have been many, many, and many people wanting to host SoL. Look at the Host applications on the old, and the now abandoned forum.

Most of the problems we have had are because of the GMs on Mystery's server. His server went off for a few days and all the servers did that, nothing wrong with that. But the problem as it has been for months has been about GMs like you, who try to micromanage everyone on the game.

There are basically 3 groups of players in the game right now.

The Lower level: Away from SPM, not high up the ladder, not many friends who are high up. Many excellent host candidates from here who want to host but won't ever get the chance unless they go up the ladder.

The High Level: somewhat close to SPM, are able to host for SPM.

a) took them so long to get to the top that they are now bored of the game and don't really want to host.

b)And if they want to host, its probably only for friends.

The Others: They are also high up, but they don't have the proper specs for computer or are unable to host due to their geographical location, or have never ever thought about hosting.

Now back to the question of WHY the hosts don't want to host for us. It's because being a host for SoL is a NO reward job. You do work and get nothing in return, you use up money, bandwidth and your time for no reason.

For this job, you will always get criticism. People will never say you are the best host ever, But when there is lag, they will always criticize you. Usually the length of a host's job is directly related to their patience.

In a no paying game like SoL, you will never get the top of the line hosts, which is why you will never get the top of the line players.

There is one way to keep things sane, and that is to have good Game Moderators, so the link between the host and the players isn't severed. Which is where Mystery's server failed.

@Zodiak Maybe if GMs hadn't frustrated the players, there wouldn't be so much "disrespect".
Ooh. I'm afraid what he said about the old GMs is true. Most of the old players that I knew while I played, myself included,have gotten bored of the game. I am afraid I don't really know how far SPM has progressed with the game, but it'd be nice to see it up again.

Btw, Luceid didn't hate hosting players...
OK Hello Kity and Zodiac need to chill. I'm not reading their small book long posts.
I can get this game hosted right now 24/7 no lag and no interuptions.
guys and girls im willing to pay for a shell sever for the rest of this year coz i love this game so much and im bored if any can contact some1 for me or even spm that would be great =)
To read the most important part of the post look for the strong bold

Might as well not read HelloKitty's post anyway, that was the longest post I've ever read that literally had nothing to say.

I'm not sure if you're just trying to criticize me or if you have your legitimate and understandable opinion but just suck at conveying it, or whatever it may be.

But from what little you have said...

"There have been many, many, and many people wanting to host sol."

1. We can't let just anyone have the host files.

2. Who's going to give them to them with SPM's permission?

2.5 Where is SPM to get permission from?

3. Who has the host files anyway? (Mystery (he gonna help? No) Luceid (MIA) Panda (old obsolete files) SPM (MIA)

4. Even if they did host it'd just be a matter of time before they get sick of the players just like Mystery did.

As for the whole idea of why you say "Mystery's server failed." Bullshit.

I moderate and administrate tens of games outside of SoL, most of which just temporarily because after a while I get bored, but my reasons as of late is because of real life situations.

And Sol is the only place where I'm a "bad GM"

You make players out to be perfect, they could never be wrong.

Let us take this completely out of GAMING perspective. In this world, (keeping it simple) there are nice people, and there are assholes this is a fact.

Assholes are, well... Assholes.

We have those.

Pro tip: A debate of opinion isn't one you're going to win anyway. But I know more detail about the problems and situations than you do by talking with other GMs and some players. So even then I'd have a better and clearer understanding of the situation and that usually tells me my opinion can be taken a wee bit seriously.

Or not, but the bottom line is, this isn't a debate at the core, there is no point in trying to make a debate out of this.

The game is down, no one is hosting and unless a miracle happens, no one will host. Cut dry and simple.

@Players wanting to host Anyone can say they want to host or will host, I want to be a lumberjack but when I get on the job I'm gonna hate it cause it's too hard or I'm not good enough and everyone bitches at me about it. Let alone are you going to even get the host files.

If you really want the game up that badly, you should be asking Nova as he is the most likely prospect to host at this point in time.
@Zodiak You are considered a bad gm on sol because the game is good. The other games you might have GMed are crappy games, and a crappy GM wouldn't affect the experience of anyone.

The Discussions you have with other GMs, or with "some" players are probably all 1-sided.

"Talking" to you is like talking to a wall. everything I say will come back to me in a negative way. You are just regurgitating what I say and giving absolutely nothing and calling my points baseless.

and if you had read my post completely, it explains why we have no host right now. We have had a large number of Group 2 people move to Group 3. Out of the Group 2 people, only Nova remains, like you said.

and again like you said, the group 1 people will NEVER get Host unless SoL goes public. Which we don't know at this point. Private hosting has almost failed. Only SPM can currently save it. and like your point 2.5, where is SPM?
Take it easy Ms. Kitteh. Drink some tea and smoke some weed and then go peed and finally go to sleep.
It's obvious I think you're an idiot but I can appreciate that you at least understand half of what I say, I'm not feeling well so forgive me if this is a little more venomous than it should be, but I really could give a shit what your opinion on my Gm'ing is, you have no idea of my level of moderating experience, and have no real right to judge.

I don't take you seriously, nor will I ever. As for talking to me being such as talking to a wall, I wonder why? All I ever get from you is venomous, hateful and utterly downgrading statements, that are less factual and more opinionated.

You think I treat you like crap? Look who's talking, and frankly I don't care if you guys like how I operate as a GM, I do get the job done, not that you would even have a clue.

Now for the actually important part of this conversation...

I am at least fairly accurate on my assessment of the downtime, I don't really feel a need to recap this isn't a special ed class.

Keep feeding me your venomous hate-filled insults, I'll keep thinking less and less of you, and that goes for the other hate fueled cocks who I could give a fuck about to even think of their names.

Protip: Points that have little to no factual value might as well be baseless.
GMs should do anything as possible to make the game better and clean.
Looks like Kashi lost his cool first. XD But ya I have to agree with Kashi here. He does get the job done. He might not get the love from the players but his Judgement is fair.

@Kitty I dont think it is all GM fault that the server died out. Some of the blame does lie on the old version of the Mystery server. The GMs can only do so much before they have to crack down and get strict. The GMs couldn't be nice on this server because they couldn't afford to make a few people bug abusers.

Just my two cents. And I have noticed that ever since Mystery server went up in March/April we had added on almost 800-900 comments. Just an intriguing(couldn't remember the right word) fact.
Looks like noni basically said a nicer version of what I said, and hes right.

It's not all the GM's fault, stop trying to put the blame on the staff and myself in particular.

-sigh- But no one will really listen to what I say, perhaps Noni might be taken a wee bit more seriously than I.

Oh well, game down I wonder when it'll be back (if) it'll be back.
Found myself a fairly similar naruto game to hold me over until this is up again. Take your time.
I wish I had something to tide me over, this unemployment and no SoL thing sucks
guys and girls while you wait for sol to come up join this sick naruto game join good admins fun to play and you will get help 24/7 the game get up dates a lot so new clans and it on a shell sever so yu can trust it if you join and get your friends to join you get and extar 15 levels byond://
Just thought I'd add..

HelloKitty101 wrote:
@Zodiak You are considered a bad gm on sol because the game is good. The other games you might have GMed are crappy games, and a crappy GM wouldn't affect the experience of anyone.

Oh really, is that why they raised thousands of dollars in donations just to keep the server online?

If I remember correctly, SOL isn't that good, and I'm amazed at even the thought that any (perhaps a few) byond games are THAT good.

And getting that much donations isn't even that great...

Oh My God , why the server are off ?
In the website the ultimate post is of 2011 , the wolrd wanna play !
HOL-E SHEEET WE GOT A FORUM NAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hee Hee Hee
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