Shinobi Of Legend

by Saucepan Man
Shinobi of Legend (SoL) is a Ninja MMORPG loosely based around the world of Naruto. Set on an expansive map, players can train their characters to match their own unique playing style. Training can be done solo, co-op, or by just playing the game.
Dude I'm so gonna play so much when ever SPM puts the game up with no bugs. C;
I don't understand where you get your GM they don't help at all I'll sit there and spamm in ooc asking for some sort of help to a question I have and won't get answers for hours and eventually a regular play will get annoyed and answer me and I know there not afk because they will be muting other kids or even muting me for "spam" just me asking a question.
In response to SwanB
SwanB wrote:
I don't understand where you get your GM they don't help at all I'll sit there and spamm in ooc asking for some sort of help to a question I have and won't get answers for hours and eventually a regular play will get annoyed and answer me and I know there not afk because they will be muting other kids or even muting me for "spam" just me asking a question.

Exactly. You spam OOC, whilst I do my best to keep you unmuted (even asking the others NOT to jail and mute you when you start abusing me for trying to help or explain).

There is a clear and definite difference between spamming and asking a question, yet you manage to blur the lines so well. And the quiestions you ask are not even that important, and many times seem rhetorical.

Moreover you show zero consideration for the "80 GMs" we have. Which is closer to 6, of which 3 may be on at a time, such as now. Thats 1 between 20 players.
You don't seem to recognise that not only are they unpaid people who are volunteering to help out of their own time, but theyre also players who enjoy the game. So think about that next time youre asking silly questions.

Besides, 99% of the things you ask and more are freely available on our forum guides to read. You either havent thought to go there or are prepared to inflict your laziness on others - which we will not abide.

Think before you type, its all we ask.
so they volunteer to sit there and just abuse mute on kids when i'm obviously asking a question and I did read the tai jutsu specialist guide and it wasn't working at the time so I asked why and like usual your Gm do nothing.
In response to SwanB
SwanB wrote:
so they volunteer to sit there and just abuse mute on kids when i'm obviously asking a question and I did read the tai jutsu specialist guide and it wasn't working at the time so I asked why and like usual your Gm do nothing.

There's no abuse of mute. And because of me they don't use it enough ~ I'm too forgiving.
Please stop using fallacious rhetoric to attack my staff, if you have any genuine complaints that you can back-up raise them now, otherwise stick to reality please.
I'm going to stop arguing now because apparently your GM were not hired to help but to just be idiots.
In response to SwanB
SwanB wrote:
I'm going to stop arguing now because apparently your GM were not hired to help but to just be idiots.

The irony of what you just said SLAYS me.
so inuzukas are utterly useless considering there so broken none of there moves work and yet you keep them avaliable and give no warning to anyone that picks them they just wasted there time training there account til they notice.
In response to SwanB
SwanB wrote:
so inuzukas are utterly useless considering there so broken none of there moves work and yet you keep them avaliable and give no warning to anyone that picks them they just wasted there time training there account til they notice.

Oh no. There's plenty of warning and notice. When you join you'll notice it says we're in Alpha. Which means there will be gaping issues like this expected. If you'd asked a GM rather than abused one, you would have found out that Inus are not at all broken, their skills are simply not [yet] built into the skin. I added the entire Kaguya clan just now and Inus are probably next.
So in other words, if you had more patience than that of a 7yr old, you would be fine.

Anything else you want to be wrong about today? Or do you maybe wanna cool your jets?
well if you haven't added or fixed that clan why make it avaliable at the time, me just reading "alpha" wouldn't tell me that the clan is completely useless.

and there is like 4 clans...
What he means is, The way the game is currently at a stage where all the inu skills are in the game

But they just don't have individual cards yet, meaning you have to macro them manually instead of being able to click a visual representation of it

the owner/coder is working on creating the rest of the "cards" for the other jutsu/clans...

Ftr you reading alpha tells you right off the bat that there is a handful of things either broken/missing, stop trying to be a wise/smart %$# and pull your head out of your %$#
IIIIIMMMM BAAAAAACK- The Juggernaut AKA Blodthirst
Soooo i hear that there's been some new stuff going on; anybody care to fill me in on the details on what's happening?
- Jackal
What just happened? I just lost connection, and now I can't log back in?
It's not connecting, am I banned randomly? For what though?
I can't get in either @_@, it continues to say Connecting.... Failed

Anyone else experiencing this ?
So does anyone know when the server will be back up?
I lost connection :( & I cant log back in, was I banned or like .... ?
why cant i join?
why can't i join?
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