Shinobi Of Legend

by Saucepan Man
Shinobi of Legend (SoL) is a Ninja MMORPG loosely based around the world of Naruto. Set on an expansive map, players can train their characters to match their own unique playing style. Training can be done solo, co-op, or by just playing the game.
Person under me is confused about his/her sexuality.
Red ketchem a11 wrote:
sht up old boy your mums fat and justin beiber is not a girl idiot any way your mums a fat hooker bye

The awakened brain accesses the multidimensional universe that people with only 10% brain use, at any time, are unaware of. It doesn't have to be that extreme. Perinatal matrix one is euphoric. In perinatal matrix two, the "Knowledge of Good and Evil", as one goes into this fifth dimensional direction, the brain gets more and more powerful to travel in the sixth dimension to the probability timelines corresponding to imagination.
enough yip yap about crap no1 cares about ^^
In response to Suacepan Man
Suacepan Man wrote:
enough yip yap about crap no1 cares about ^^

The biggest muscarinic nerve is the vagus nerve. It doesn't pass through the spine, but, its main trunk emerges from the brain in the roof of the nasopharynx. Advanced yogins have cut the ligature that holds their tongues down so they can put their tongues up the back of their noses.

This act is called the "khechari mudra", in English, the "fig gesture". This act causes so much vagal stimulation that the heart stops by vagal syncope. The yogin can then stay in suspended animation for any chosen length of time and voluntarily withdraw his tongue to "resurrect".

The blood stays oxygenated during the khechari mudra. Houdini did this in some of his feats. But, with the "water board" of the Gitmo Baptism, the intent is to fill the nasopharynx with water, enough just to put the candidate for initiation into what Dr. Stanislav Grof called "perinatal matrix three".
i studied about the vagus in class....

vagus supplies the heart beat. if the vagus stops the inhibitory impulses to the heart stop and the heart beats unusually fast

vagus is known as the 10th cranial nerve

vagus also supplies the base of the tongue which you refered to in your "kechari mudra"

vagus also supplies the gastric secretions in the stomach by a vago-vagal reflex.

branches from the vagus supply the thryroid gland through the external and recurrent laryngeal nerves.

studied this the past year.... didnt copy and paste this.....

ps. is sol coming back soon?
Byond's been dead for a good months if not years now. If you haven't already i recommend getting a life, or try different MMOs.
i here u noni i want it back up so i have something to do for the next 2 months b4 i go to boot camp for the navy... i know i said i wouldnt reply anymore but i havent for the last 3 months or so so yeh. i want to thank you all for that medical educational experience. im more a psychologic mind i can go on and on about id ege super ego development and the edipus complex and how 30-50% of people i belive to have this complex and how 90% people in general have psychological issues (:
As long as Ln is up, people won't give much of a shit.
:/ This isn't going to well.
old timer, replying to comments with random replys is my thing.

don't try and steal my thunder bitch
In response to Unknown1265
Unknown1265 wrote:
old timer, replying to comments with random replys is my thing.

don't try and steal my thunder bitch

Is there any other Hell? Very often those who resurrected from what seemed to witnesses as death, had a homeopathic reaction from death such that the brain woke up with more than its normal 10% use, so that, this actually "hyperlife" state was called, the world of the dead, the Underworld, Hell, etc.

The mind is very powerful to materialize its visualizations as reality in the Underworld. Can anyone control all their thoughts? Things go wrong. as soon as the candidate wishes he were someone else, "zap" he body switches into that someone else, where he no longer has the more than 10% brain use, and is weak again.

But, he doesn't belong in anyone elses body, so, as soon as that body sleeps or dies, it's into another body he goes. And, on and on and on, going backward and forward in time in body after body, into everyone he has ever seen, for about a hundred years duration.

This was called the "aioniu amartematos", an aeon of failure", in the original Greek Bible, translated into English "etenrnal damnation". But, Jesus Christ, being God, body switched into everyone who ever was or ever will be, and on every probability timeline. That's why He is always in you and I. This is real.
In response to OldTimerz
setting up the scam stove, I realized that the volume dial had wrenched its colors off of the bloom- thereby flanking the impending bell, and setting the whole engine into fits of spurious contention. This coming after words and bleepings heard in the surrounding shops had already set sail!
server never return to on?
Kind of sad one of the most entertaining game out there was closed due to immature kids abusing bugs and trash talking all over the place.
Sure some of the GMs weren't doing their job good, but most of them are okay. Severe and in some cases inflexible, (I remember that if you would have typed 5 uppercase letters you would get a mute, if you typed 4 uppercase letters you get nothing) but hey who am I to blame them, seeing the crappy community the game have had in the past years.
The blame lies with no one. The game went down cuz the host's computer crashed and he had no host files. Only one who has proper host files is SPM which are still in Alpha testing stage.

Myst, Nova and Panda have bugged host files. If there are bugs in the game and are known to people, there will be abusing of them. There is too much competition in stats, money and overall fighting. And really MOST of the people that play this game are teens.

Myst was getting tired of policing all the bugs and all the players blaming him for the strictness he brought. Don't really blame him.

@the GMs work comment. I can only say that a GM on old SoL only had to deal with MOSTLY the tiny bugs like teleing people out of stupid spots, catching afk trainers and tiny stuff like that with the occasional bug abuser. On Mysts server 90% of the job of the GM was bug abusers. which made it seem like they were too strict. lol. it wasn't the GMs that got strict it was the criminal activity(dunno if that is the right word) that elevated.

So in short,It really is no one's fault. It just fell cuz of a computer crashing and needing to be formatted.

I wonder what would have happened if Myst allowed bug abusing on his server like Nova did for a day but with daily wipes.
Good things: People happier, less work for GMs.... actually no gms required
bad things: loss of reputation for the game, players getting tired of making chars over again. but this way game is still up and bug abuse will have no long term effect.
I'm not blaming Myst at all.
And I think rules shouldn't be applied that strictly (refering to the 5 letters CAPS rule).
I think a GM should be able to understand what to do in -X- situation and what not, without the need to follow estabilished punishment methods. Rules should be applied with intelligence.

I'd also have zero tolerance with bug abusers, just a straight permanent wipe ban.
I mean, how can they not know that they're bug abusing.
Also the bugs that the game had, as far as I know, aren't that easy to find; I doubt players who don't know the bugs would be able to find them unless someone told them what to do. And thats why I say that whoever uses them is doing it on purpose.
To be honest, anyone that was playing this should know at least most of the bugs on this game because anyone using them either bragged about the whatever they got in a day or got caught abusing; anybody that hardly knows any of them was either new or not on much. The main problem I saw was how many GMs/Admins kept playing due to the frequency of hosts in the recent times. AFK trainers should just know better, and all the fighting WAS excessive, but as it's a PvP game... (all the verbal fighting, however, is unnecessary and unwanted anywhere).

With the lack of moderators was the quality; a couple were perfect for it, but some others used it for... selfish reasons; trust me, I was an avid player, and those GMs know who they are and get argumentative about it. >_>

Anyways, I do hope somebody can get this up soon; this was the only game I never got banned on or make a lot of internet friends on (either the adnims were abusive or I pushed a nerve inadverdantly ^^' )

By the way... Noni, how have you and everyone else been? I really haven't touched a computer in months and want to get back with friends and acquaintances alike.
PPL find and abuse bugs on every game this is nothing different.... its a good game and should be up regardless, get ur gms straight. things have to be changed to stop afk training as well, too many ppl running around with fans that just afk train jutsu to increase nin. very gay and unrespectable
Honestly, people just spam fans because they can't do anything else due to how you instantly use its jutsus; I can't help but feel sorry for them because it's so easy to counter. From what I've read from others for AFK trainers, I believe that bans are the only effective way to deal with them, unless they decide to run an auto AFK check for every three hours...

But anyways, it's unlikely that we'd get anyone with the old, but newest, files to pass the time, since the few hosts I know either hardly get on or are very hard to convince.
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