Shinobi Of Legend

by Saucepan Man
Shinobi of Legend (SoL) is a Ninja MMORPG loosely based around the world of Naruto. Set on an expansive map, players can train their characters to match their own unique playing style. Training can be done solo, co-op, or by just playing the game.
Pretty much what happened guys is that Myst was hosting and got pissed at the amount of abuse there was on the server even though he did it as a favour and people like namy ruined it by abusing then changing ip and abusing. There were so many more abusers then we thought and there was also a lot more people teaching bugs than expected. Next time the game is up please for gods sake don't listen to people saying they can make you strong if you abuse and maybe next time we will still have a server.
what happened wasn't that people weren't getting caught it was the amount being caught and the amount being watched

bans were handed out and bans were circumvented. with there only being two gms who have the power to ban it got to the point where these players would come on and then spread these bugs. as myst said it got to the point where it would have been easier to have an allow list

as to kevin... you were not on in the last moments... people weren't quitting people were leaving as the game was quitting, i happen to know everyone who was on. They had all been gathered and were given a choice they all chose for the server to be down... if you want to blame anyone for it being down atm blame the 26 or so players that were on(though if you were on then you are stretching the truth quite poorly... and had a different name than normal)

ignore the poor grammar, as am i ;)
i was on the last 8-5 mins and on my gooc nightmare and kin and a few other guild members were saying they quit no coming back a i was on heres some proof during the time i logged on i got summoned and killed 3 times by a gm all people were pretty much killed in this manner when i was summoned i saw like 16 other people around me so dont call me a liar. i may have missed alot of the conversation but i spoke whay i whitnessed. imma go continue watching one peice cya and i did have kevinkutz as a player on and once i tried to relog i saw that the bookmarks title changed from shinobi of legend to somethin like ... sick of people abusing so for now on you will become gms bitch or somethin like that. dont fckin call me a liar i was talking to rice after i escaped the summon kill at itachis. if he comes on he can confirm that i was on for the last few mins of the game
The reason people abused Kevin, was because people were abusing and myst thought if players can abuse expect then why can't the gms.. It was done to teach you all a lesson and hopefully you will all realise that you shouldnt abuse in the future.
WOW, I can't believe what im reading... GMs abusing?oh, wait... yea, mystery lets his GMs to abuse their GM verbs, and their forgot how to be GMs!!, oh, wait... 4 of the 6 GMs are noobs!!! the only one with experience is Kashi and he's the abusive GM Nš1, FUCK! this
PD: IF someone reads this and doesn't understand, dont even think on insulting me, you don't know how much these GM's abused and abuse.
You do realise that the whole time this server was up there was no abuse from any of the admins. Mystery had the right idea. If players want to abuse and expect to get away with it by avoiding bans ect then why shouldnt the admins get the same privilage? I would also like you to explain how 4 of the 6 gms were noobs since there was only really 1 or 2 on over this whole wipe... Me and screwy oh and Myst in the background.
well rysher knows more than most about the game and was one of those people banned for no reason so im actually suprised he is so informed on the game. showes me how much he does actually like this game. and rysher i know aabout basicaly 8-9 whipes of abuse so i know where u r coming from. i honestly think that the GM's need to be chosen more carefully. which this whipe had a pretty good crop from what i seen but it was still verry early in the whipe there would have been abuse sooner or later. thats what history teaches us. but i do congradulate the gms for holding off this long and i deeply appreciated it. imma just hope that the game comes back on soon but i know thats a far fetched wish...:(
If he was banned it wasnt for no reason, if he was banned at the end when the admins were having fun then it doesnt exactly count. All the players who had been banned prior to yesterdays events were abusers, afk trainers ect.
Well combing: 1st, I got bann for no reason as kevinkutz said, I never played this "last" pwipe, just because I dont shut my mouth when GMs abuse.
Mystery and Kashi are the only ones with the last hosting file because they want it to be like that, they betrayed, lied to SPM and cheated.
If you become strong and threat for Kashi (for example) and you are not in his guild, he will lie and bann you, thats what he did to me, several times, he even froze me with GM powers in a fight that I was winning, with no reason, and I have all the proof against them, in the forum (wow they closed it, I'm wondering why...) and in my old hard drive lol.
Kevin: I was just passing by and saw all the people upset, im just trying to help the newbies to understand whats going on.
Sorry my spelling.
In response to Combing
Combing wrote:
You do realise that the whole time this server was up there was no abuse from any of the admins. Mystery had the right idea. If players want to abuse and expect to get away with it by avoiding bans ect then why shouldnt the admins get the same privilage? I would also like you to explain how 4 of the 6 gms were noobs since there was only really 1 or 2 on over this whole wipe... Me and screwy oh and Myst in the background.

He had the right idea? you must teach by example, not playing "who abuses more"... dear god... and this people is GM.

Okay then you can't comment on what happened yesterday since you have no idea what happened, and you also can't talk about any of the gms. The abuse you talk of happened in the past, if you had evidence only someone with a high level admin than kashi could have done something about it. Also, how did they cheat and betray SPM? They don't want to the give the host files out because it isnt their game, the game is also still flawed having loads of people with a file would just cause mayhem.
He did have the right idea, it showed players that theya re idiots if they want to abuse and get away with it. They abused and then they faced the concequences, thats how it goes. People had the choice they could either take server down without the abuse or they could suffer the abuse that we GM's had to put up with.
I can comment what happened yesterday because I have eyes and I can read.
Wanna know how they lied to SPM? why do you think that the old GM aren't playing anymore? Mystery got SPM's permission to host and he demoted most of them and gave GM powers to some newbies (Jack, someguyimet, eyes of power, eye's wife, etc, and well now I notice that you are a newbie too) And now he's complaining that the game is full of abusers, what did you expect mystery?
In response to Combing
Combing wrote:
He did have the right idea, it showed players that theya re idiots if they want to abuse and get away with it. They abused and then they faced the concequences, thats how it goes. People had the choice they could either take server down without the abuse or they could suffer the abuse that we GM's had to put up with.

Thats why you shouldn't be GM my friend... you lack of experience if you think that you can teach something doing that
I'm someguyimet, Also Myst can't demote anyone who is coded in, thats how it works. Also Whitney wasnt a full gm. Mystery premoted people who he could trust, it was his server and he had permission to do as he wanted, he spoke to the high level admins and get it approved. So before you start talking crap learn what you talk about. Going around saying all this crap without even playing this wipe. You can't comment because you don't know about anything that ahppened this time round. You're just another player who think they got banned because the admins are abusers and op'd.
Know know what Rysher, instead of bitching about why the game is flawd and the gm's are abusers how about you stay away from the game that way you don't need to put up with any of it.
you keep giving me the reason, you shouldn't be GM, you dont know shit about how the game works.
I'm out. good luck with your low IQ
Low IQ, right. I wasn't chosen to be a gm on the server because of my extensive knowlage of the game and how it works, I was chosen because I was trusted.
Being a former Gm, I can understand why the current GMs would go with all out abuse.

It more of Paranoia than anything. There are soo many abusable bugs in that version that they do not know who to trust. Out of the 100 or so bans they have given out(hypothetical number) 90 or so probably have been LEGIT bans. There is a Zero Tolerance right now, suspicion probably gets you banned. The 10 or so unlucky( again a hypothetical number) people probably were caught saying some things that a GM might have taken in a bug abusing way.

So what I am understanding from the conversation....(I wasn't online at that time) that the players had a choice to either put up with the fear of accidentally getting banned, or to take the server down altogether.

There is no point in playing if you know the stronger your character is, the greater the chance for it to get banned. So ya.....

Also I kinda hate all the abuse that went on, but with 3-4 gms in total... it kinda gets frustrating with all the abuse. Being a GM on high alert ALL the time, VERY tiring.

Just my 2 cents.

Btw Rysher no offense but you cannot test the GM ability of someone based on this crappy version. It is the game's fault not the GMs. Although I could be wrong, but some of these haven't got the proper guidance because of the circumstances.

Edit: @paragraph 2
It is unfortunate that it had happened, and there really should have been a forum set up where they could contact the host for an appeal, directly outside the game.(this thing isnt that appropriate) If the offender has solid proof, that they didn't abuse then it should be cleared.

Tip in the future to all players: Take a screenie of ALL transactions done. If you found something lying around, contact a GM for clearance. You really wouldn't want to take a risk of getting banned. For all you know someone could have put 1000000 Gold+1000000 Lava fishes on the ground just to get you banned.
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