Shinobi Of Legend

by Saucepan Man
Shinobi of Legend (SoL) is a Ninja MMORPG loosely based around the world of Naruto. Set on an expansive map, players can train their characters to match their own unique playing style. Training can be done solo, co-op, or by just playing the game.
Kilopp wrote:
HelloKitty101, I'm glad to find an old player who REALLY knows what has happened, and can't get deceived by cheap lies like yours, Mystery. I know right what you did Mystery, and what I don't dubt about what you said is you paying from your own pocket, do you know why? Because it's obvious you need to feel important, using a game that's not even yours. Abussing players you don't like, in countless ways... same goes for Kashi, who has done even worst things. Pathetic, both of you. Hope you change your attitude asap, but you can't avoid the fact that life is a boomerang guys.

this guy has the right idea ._. he seems so sum up what happens for the most part, Mystery doesn't abuse near as much as kashi doe so it's not even worth bitching about, @ Mr.Kitty the old GM's were better imo but they don't play anymore so just get used to mysterys friends, Kit stop trying to start shit on here ._. .. btw fuck new years there's nothing different going on it's just the same shit different day people need to stop complaining about the game being down if its REALLY that big apart of your life rip the icons and code it yourself....
Kashi here, keep me out of your flame wars me "Abusing" is the opinion of a few of you that you seem to spread and worsen as much as you can out of spite.

But furthermore if you want to mention me and my alleged "Abuse" do it elsewhere and not on the comments. Adding onto this, even then you don't have any legitimate points to make, nor any proof to back up your claims so it is just kinda whatever. "Oh you muted me for no reason!" Yeah yeah, boohoo.

On that respected note it is pretty funny watching you guys babble on and on about stuff you don't know anything about.

People seem to think I'm "friends" with Mystery, when really we try to stay out of the way of each other, I'd end up stepping on his toes or the other way around and we would end up fighting.

But besides that it would be a stretch to say I consider any of you on Byond my friend.
The ComeBack wrote:
this guy has the right idea ._. he seems so sum up what happens for the most part, Mystery doesn't abuse near as much as kashi doe so it's not even worth bitching about, @ Mr.Kitty the old GM's were better imo but they don't play anymore so just get used to mysterys friends, Kit stop trying to start shit on here ._. .. btw fuck new years there's nothing different going on it's just the same shit different day people need to stop complaining about the game being down if its REALLY that big apart of your life rip the icons and code it yourself....

Ya I agree with you. Mystery doesn't abuse as much as Kashi does. Mystery is that calm but can get very angry sometimes person, who made a few bad decisions. While kashi is an unstable GM, who sometimes would be all nice and luby duby, but the next minute all abusive.

@Kashi Almost all of the complaints about GMs have been about you (on the old forum and the new one). The reason why you have not been punished is because no action is EVER taken on the forums. As far as I know, no GM has ever lost his job on the forum because all the topics die out or get closed by GM friends.
Heck want an example of bad GMing? I was stuck in the carraige, I asked you to help me and unjail me, you told me to arena someone and die. All it takes is 1 button to help someone and you won't even do it.

ABOUT TIME!!!!!!!!geeez, I was worried about you! lol

Anime xXx Eclipse wrote:

Atleast I get some love >_>
When the hell is the game going to come back on?! It's been down for almost a week now.
Learn to wait. ._.
why is this awesome game down i used to play but my byond didnt work so now it works but i cant play i only played once on chrismas but it down im xitachixx if any of u remember why is it down
OK seriously? It's been down for a week. Who is supposed to be fixing this problem? And is it even being worked on?
900th commenter..(if thats a word)
how did myst and the other get level 401 when the games max level is 400 oh GM abuse i forgot about that variable so they can be top 3 that makes sense
400 isn't the hard cap, i was told you need retardedly overpwoered stats to level past it though,

Red don't spam the comments-.-..

@Kashi shut the hell up if you didn't abuse we wouldn't be talking about you, you're reported more then tenshi was, why? because you fucking abuse more then he did ._. you think that you're all hard and shit hiding behind your GM verbs and your edited stats / clan but you're not just a sad lil man that gets a kick out of fucking others days up the only way people will stop bitching about your abuse is when you STOP ABUSING yea come at me you can't mute me here you sandy vagina fuck
Dear God I don't fucking care. I just want to know when the server is going to be back up. -.-
Copenhagen423 wrote:
Dear God I don't fucking care. I just want to know when the server is going to be back up. -.-

forreal tho idgaf bought yall cryin just like let me know wen the game comin back up

The ComeBack wrote:
400 isn't the hard cap, i was told you need retardedly overpwoered stats to level past it though,

Red don't spam the comments-.-..

@Kashi shut the hell up if you didn't abuse we wouldn't be talking about you, you're reported more then tenshi was, why? because you fucking abuse more then he did ._. you think that you're all hard and shit hiding behind your GM verbs and your edited stats / clan but you're not just a sad lil man that gets a kick out of fucking others days up the only way people will stop bitching about your abuse is when you STOP ABUSING yea come at me you can't mute me here you sandy vagina fuck

eyy bro i get where you're coming from but i dont think insulting him is gonna work.
Example: It's the same as genins getting killed by one jounin and they bitch at him but dont mean he gonna stop killin them. Get Wat I mean lol so save your breath
You didn't have to die, if you both waited, the arena times out and you go to the hospital.

You're making a mountain of a mole hill, hilarious.

I never said you had to die, I was showing you how to take care of yourself without my help, if it were to happen again you would know what to do.

..However while I'm here, I wonder if you guys have any idea why I treat you like a bunch of complete idiots. Besides your incessant complaining and such, 9 times out of 10 the people giving me trouble are cheating underneath the table. It's hard to find the motivation to help a bunch of ingrates, and even on my optimistic days I know that those of you treating me nicely will be talking all kinds of shit when my back is turned.

Not that it matters telling you guys this, bunch of whining idiots and even the more intelligent of the lot still end up doing something stupid.

A good example of what I was talking about is, Lolicon, treated me real nicely was a cool guy. As soon as I do something he doesn't like or say something that rubs him the wrong way, he flies off the handle and attempts to slam me with every accusation he can. Knowingly without any form of evidence.

I still remember when he accused me of editing my tai (which was under the softcap. lol) and editing my sword skill, even then Karush just looked at my character with the verbs and proved it was all legit.

You're right, no GM ever really gets punished on the forum, but at the same time no one who ever posts an abuse report could ever be taken seriously, and when you get mad that I mute you guys you don't realize, that calling staff "Faggot" or whatever ridiculous stuff you end up spouting, is usually the reason you end up muted.

You don't have to sit back and obey every little thing as if this is a dictatorship, but you're in no position to question what we do, if you are confused, ask about it. If that doesn't work you should probably pay more attention to how you say it, because nobody has to tell you anything, and if you sound like a total jerk-off, well you might as well go jerk off.

Not that anyone will get this post, it's pointless to tell you guys anything, you'll just keep slaving over your keyboards typing harsh statements and causing as much trouble as you can.


p.s Indeed most of the GM complaints were about me, more notably, I was the most active of the staff, and the reports seem almost linked to activity.

If you get what that means.
when will the new game be up?
getting reported on the forum isn't a good thing retard ._. and wonders i won't save my breath, KAshi you do act like it's a dictatorshit seeing as soon as someone "Steps out of line" (aka defends the abused) you mute them to "Save drama" or w/e when in actuallity you don't want people to know what you do even though it's in plain sight. you've ip muted me more time this wipe then i've been ip muted in all the other wipes combine ie once, each time it's for calling you out on bull shit that you try to pull, like shiggy for example he was bugged and relogged he told you on ooc and you ip muted him for "No tolerance" or kitsune(as much as i dislike him sometimes ._.) was muted for absolutly nothing at all when i defend him same thing happens, anytime someone does something you don't like you tug at the Gm powers a bit trying to remind people who's in charge as soon as they don't suck your dick its abuse city.

btw if i go into an arena withsomeone only one persons comming out.
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