![]() Sep 28 2010, 4:27 pm (Edited on Sep 29 2010, 2:19 am)
Can you make a alternative skin for people with small computers?
Grand J wrote:
Can you make a alternative skin for people with small computers? Thats precisely what I'll be releasing in the update. Ideally the update would have happened already but life got in the way. Plus its summer where I am (nearly). I'm a winter-nerd pretty much. Work always slows down around this time. ~But I'll die before I quit on an unfinished SoL Hmm; thinking of learning to code for Android OS. So I can make a supplementary SoL app. So you can level while youre away or w/e. o_O Would be awesome if BYOND made an emulator for Android... |
Perhaps you should stop your stupid players from spamming your hub link in other games. Besides, i've tried your game and i'm not impressed.
Genesismagician wrote:
Perhaps you should stop your stupid players from spamming your hub link in other games. Besides, i've tried your game and i'm not impressed. Unfortunately we have no control over people's free will. I know right? Wherever and whenever I have heard people suggesting the idea I have done everything within my power to prevent it. The blame doesn't lie with SoL staff I'm afraid... o.O On a side note: I'm trying to find time to make a comeback & finish those updates I promised. |
Hey, im teen0100, and id like to take a job as a weapon artist, iv made kisames sword, and some other stuff, lol reply to this asap (btw i was one of your old players back when there were like 12 people playing at a time)
You should probably go to the forums and apply there, show some examples of your work...
http://s1.zetaboards.com/SoL_Forum/forum/1320141/ |
how comes the game is live but i cant go on it when is it ganna be live for every1 coz im bored and i realy what to play dis game
Becuase the host was trying to fix the lag and it work :D ... i want to be gm o.o
Is the Server Down or just being worked on? Cause last night the lagg was pretty intense so just wondering cause this is my favorite byond game by far.
I come to play this game that i played almost a year ago, and im wondering why is it constantly crashing and lagging out the ass. Is there something being worked on or what. Game I would like to bet back to playing but thats turned out to be a hassle.
pra kem ker um site sem bug ... com novos jutsus ... uma nova e otima jogabilidade esta ai gente !!!!!!!! mtuuuuu bom msm !!!!
modo de upar totalmente diferente !!! http://www.byond.com/games/Leo164/ NarutoLendariosShinobisBrasil?command=wait |
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