Shinobi Of Legend

by Saucepan Man
Shinobi of Legend (SoL) is a Ninja MMORPG loosely based around the world of Naruto. Set on an expansive map, players can train their characters to match their own unique playing style. Training can be done solo, co-op, or by just playing the game.
eeugh come on i hate when this happens :(

Fix the damn game!! :(

The game is obviously down, Please wait until the respective host <Lucied> Fixes the game, Or until the back up host <Mystery16> places a back up server <---listen to this in the mean time xD
Stop Following this hub if your like me and are tired of all these idiotic shit heads spamming your pager rambling about absolutely NOTHING! Shit heads.
Mechanical Demon wrote:
Stop Following this hub if your like me and are tired of all these idiotic shit heads spamming your pager rambling about absolutely NOTHING! Shit heads.
You do know that you can block people from your pager? It seems more convient just to block them. Unless you don't like SoL. But then, if you didn't, why are you here? xP

im kinda a nooob but could somebody help me in making a game? or at least post a guide ?
mechanical demon stfu i thought you quit go home fuck yourself you chav
is anyone trying to make a naruto game? cuz i have a lot of amazing ideas but i dont think i can make it, if you want my ideas email me at : [email protected]
Wow, even the forums are down. Looks like SoL's days are over.
Why no one come here to explain this?-.-'
Release the source :o
Wow none of you have any faith in sol >> its normal for it to go down like this. I mean its not like its on a server run by a company who work day and night to make sure it works 24/7. Its just a guys laptop or desktop bro. Chill out. I'm rather grateful to luce for hosting this game. If he needs his laptop for something else for a little downtime then by all means let him have it.
If he needs a host id be morer then wiling to do it for free cause i love the game. My internet speed is 40MB download and 20MB upload ( 4Mb/2Mb ). i could host on my laptop, it has 4Gb ram ddr3, 1 terabyte disk, ati radeon hd4570, and amd turion x2 procesor. Yust sugesting, if hee neds it leme know il be hapy to host :D. my laptop is runing 24/7 usualy i play minecraft on it or wow or avp ( new one ), crysis 2 almost on full hd, so his procesing power aint that bad.
._. Its not about just having a good laptop.. SPM has to trust you with his game code. Which is like.. a big thing. >>
Dragonball Zen Is Back up. if you like to play, come and join us :D

Connecting to byond://
Dragonball Zen Is Back up. if you like to play, come and join us :D

Connecting to byond://
hmm i wonder whats up
I came home from work, and this is what I get I'm a complete sad panda right now....
T_T I"m so sorry. It'll come up soon.
how is it that it says theres 2 playing its been like it for a bit now
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