O.o Zodiak showed nude pics to SPM! for GM XDD
where is that fat basterd atomisk xD lol god i loved fighting him hahahaha xD however since his character with 1600 hours plus is gone he is pretty much shit :L!
So... I heard this game was up yesterday. My bro logged in, said hi, and it got shut down again :|
Bones was on it too, apparently, and I don't understand why you bother making the game public if you only want gms on it. |
In a span of 8 minutes you write 3 venomous and otherwise slanderous comments, but it's hard to take seriously.
In your attempt to sound like you're unaffected by all of the "drama" you preach about you just end up making an ass of yourself. Classy, I don't have to insult you since you do all the work for me. |
In an effort to have a common game, I started playing the game last summer with a few of my friends; School resumed and I abandoned this game to focus on improving my grades, tutoring, etc. Now, it's down. To save people from reading a dramatic post about how Saucepan should bring it back, I just hope he does. BYOND needs a game like this, it isn't getting anywhere with it's Naruto-rips out there.
I love your work, Saucepan Man. Bring it back, one day? |
Guys why complain about lag if you dont like the lag just leave and dont complain because it will make the serve go down because the host get tired and some players really want to play the game
The game was up today, awh... :|
What happened here to cause such a brilliant BYOND game to go down? |
Fuckers complaining about lag. The game is almost never up anymore most of us are happy with it just being up stop bitching like a 5 year old.Also to all who say admins are dicks and such. they give warnings if you choose to ignore them that is your own fault stop ruining the game for the rest of us your the reason its never hosted because no one wants to put up with your shit.
See this is why I miss SoL. Soo much Love/Hate relationships.
I Love you guys!!!! *sniff* |
Sitting around refreshing the page every 5 min. It being up made me want it more.
Two hours? That is a long time considering that I keep missing it. >.> Why can't this game just stay up?
Any chance of a shell server? also just fucking ban the whiny bitches. Ip ban for better results. Game is better without them. Also Red too many grammar mistakes.
There are a total of fourty-five users waiting to play this game, doesn't that say it? You can't just host it for two or less hours and expect to "satisfy" us. Host the damn gamn, ban the people the complain, they can go watch television or skateboard outside or something, right? Don't prevent the willing. the users, from playing because of the abusers. It's been far too long.
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but no really im glad your in the game i love how serious you are xD its kinda cute :P
i will continue to play the bad guy :L cause its soo much fun!!! if it comes back that is :O the only reason sol is so epic is because of the amount of hate that keeps going around just like a real shinobi war xD! woop woop ^_^