Shinobi Of Legend

by Saucepan Man
Shinobi of Legend (SoL) is a Ninja MMORPG loosely based around the world of Naruto. Set on an expansive map, players can train their characters to match their own unique playing style. Training can be done solo, co-op, or by just playing the game.
Look on the bright side I bet the server has NO lag right now! xD
He put the game online to make us, act like dogs over a bone inside a container. The game is up for his purposes until he sees that we are worthy to play.
We make this game famous, just remove the game from fav, there is a lot of games. This game is not comin back in a long time...
ok guys, though myst can be a troll, i sincerely doubt that's what's going on here. Screwy said earlier that he was allowed on; as was Combing. Hopefully, the GMs are trying to work shit out. That, or BYOND has some sort of feature that deletes games that have been unactive for too long a time and Myst is just trying to make sure the game stays up. Either way, you guys need to stop ragging on the guy. He's doing what he thinks is right, and probably doesn't care much about what you say. i doubt he even reads most of these comments, so you're wasting time typing them.
I bet Myst is having fun mindfucking with us cause I know I would be! XD LLS.
Lol, i thought you said you were done commenting Red? And Anime...ya,it would be kind of funny from myst's perspective. He's probably sitting at his computer thinking, "Hope this teaches those damn cheaters!"
my guess is: He isn't releasing it to the normal players because of broly. He leaked the bugs and now anyone can use em. Hard to trust anyone isn't it?
Yeah. Odds are, we won't get to play until those bugs have been weeded out of the code, but...well, that'll probably take awhile. too bad, huh?
that's why it will take awhile. Well, i'm sure someone could work out the bugs besides SPM, but sadly, we can't do that without rights to the source codes. too bad.
I got on the game because it seemed likable. But I also saw the comments saying there was some bugs. So shortly after my arrival in the game, I asked what bugs were present. Some guy booted me and the reason wasn't provided. I relogged and asked what was the problem? No one answered my question so I said "Are the bugs like player edits, I know NFF has edits" I just wanted to determine if this game was worth my time and the same guy who booted me banned me and the reason provided was "GTFO". Are the bugs too embarrassing to announce or something? Also the guy who booted/banned me should learn to manage his temper better than that.
The game has a few stat changing bugs -- and a lot of other bugs that can make the game easier for yourself.

I didn't ban you or anything, I'd say kashi did that as he is the only other one able to ban. That or you got banned during a range ban as a lot of people avoid bans by constantly changing their IP.

Sorry either way I guess.
I'm aware as to who was hosting, word gets around fast, and I know Nova is the only other person (other than possibly luc) who has the host files anymore.

That said, he has a previous version with even more bugs than the latest (Mine) so it'll most likely be worse if he does host it.

My thoughts on the whole thing is, rather than have hundreds quit due to bugs ruining the game, wait and be informed of the newest release with the bugs fixed, we might lose some due to it taking a while, but I feel we will lose a lot more from a broken game.

To finish with, I feel you are trying to annoy me or state I am mean by the comment "he is a nice guy"(?), so I'll just inform you that, I honestly don't care...
You can think of him as a nicer guy, you can hate me all you want, nothing said by anyone here bothers me.

It's the internet, why would I care if some random person I don't know, most likely will never meet, dislikes me?
Well i think that Mystery is mean (Due to the fact that he keeps Poking my wife behind my back) but also dont think ppl should HATE someone that does not host a broken game; evidently Myst doesnt care what you ppl think of him and those of you who do are at least 1 of 5 things

1. Fat

2. Retarded(Not the Dumb Version but the REAL Retarded)

3. Retarded(The Dumb Retarded)

4. Someone sad that thinks if he gets the most posts on a Byond comments page that he will magically become "Special" or more popular thus creating a reality to themself in which their life is validated (*Cough*RedKetchum*Cough*). or...

5. A Lonely Human on the verge of Suicide due to reading this and finding out that theri life really has no meaning and JUST found out that by ending his life not only will he/she not negativly effect the universe in ANY way whatsoever but in turn make the world and said universe a more wonderful place by not forcing ppl to graze upon their idiotic stupid little comments on how mean someone is for not letting them waste their life playing a game in which will no better better their life but hinder your overall personal growth by playing a broken game... *HINT: Down the Road... NOT across the street!*

Now with that said Myst... your cool just cool down on the poking my wife and hurry up and get ichi's vote damnit!!! + i couldnt let you be the only one posting long comments now could i... yes it did take over 10 minutes to type this because yes i am a slow typer...
Look man, she started the poking thing not me, get her to stop and it ends -- take control of your wife! (Now that I've said that I'll have her thinking I am mean too xP)
God, everyone is going to be so confused at this...

I laughed at the post, though you are aware you may be the starting point of another 85 pages on the comment section?

Lastly, yeah right, You most likely saw my post the moment I clicked "Save" and have been typing your reply since then. (#1680 1:25 pm (Edited at 2:32 pm) --- #1682 2:18 pm)

not bored ketchem... sad is the word not bored... and myst you know i have a hard time with these sausage fingers damnit... AND I poked you the last two times so mull over that SON!
It no problem Mystery. I think it all cleared up now. I look forward to playing this someday:P Good luck everybody.
Red ketchem a11.

Please type everything in one fucking reply.
This is not msn, mirc, facebook, aim, twitter, or w/e other crap is out there.

You pretty much type one line, post, make another reply, post, and repeat, really :/
To add to what karush said, just edit your post if you have more to say. There is an edit button to every post you post.'s kinda hard to buy into that apology when you just went on about cheese cake and committed the same multi-reply situation that was being discussed...and...uh...where's the cheese cake? And what kind is it?
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