Pokemon Dark Red

by Aaronland
Pokemon Dark Red
Join the world of Pokemon Dark Red. Catch, Train, Battle.
Is this still being developed?
i miss this game so much D:
I also feel, I would play the same version of him, pity that the owner does not even respond.
If anyone has this source lmk. I'll pay huge for it thanks ^^.
NP, I'm still waiting for the return, guys.
Jade is too~
Yeah, What's a few years right?
It feels like yesterday. ;~;
Fr. I wish he would just sell it, I would totally work on this game. Just wanna play it tbh ffs XD.
Why not just make one yourself?
By the time I finished a game like this or tbh any game from scratch byond will probably be shut down.
I need me some pokemon Dark red in my life when it coming back ??
Come back with the game please!
Hello all, if anyone is looking for another Pokemon game similar to PDR then come check out http://www.byond.com/games/Dbztoy/PocketJourney The game is still in progress but is inspired from games like Pokemon Dark Red
Sadness because i love this game.
is the game back?
wiki or discord?
Some people were asking about the discord; This invite code should still work for you. https://discord.gg/3Z2mFZKM

As for a Wiki...there are guides in the discord that used to be on the forums, they are still accurate. Game hasn't changed too much since then but that's a good thing in some ways lol.
turn on the game pls?
In my dreams this game comes online again):
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