![]() Oct 30 2002, 10:00 pm
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![]() Mar 29 2011, 11:59 pm
wtf happen to dbz hu2
The Truth Behind Akira Toriyama
Akira Toriyama... The man behind the show. One of the most worshipped mangakas and anime creators. He's created two very successful shows, Dr Slump and DragonBall. His motives and reasons for creating these two shows are a mystery, most think that he did it for the money, after all, why else would anyone do all that work for? This page is here to shed some light behind the man and his motives. First let us start off with info on Toriyama. First of all, he was born in 1959 in Tochigi-Ken, Japan. Yadda, yadda, yadda... Anyways, he created his masterpiece, DragonBall, in 1982, as a comic strip in the boys magazine, Shonen Jump. In 1985, he converted the series to anime form. At first, the show was a failure, folks in Japan didn't want to watch a fruity adventure show without much violence. Akira Toriyama was going to end the show, but when a co-worker of his made a joke about continuing the show, he went for it. However, he knew that changes had to be made in order for the show to become successful. So, he made it more action-oriented and less humorous. The show became a hit. And, after 153 episodes, in 1989, he changed the name of the show to DragonBall Z, but kept the name of the manga DragonBall. He changed the theme of the show a bit, making it more serious in tone, and upped the violence. Which made it even more successful. Everyone in Japan knew of Toriyama's great creation and every store was carrying DB merchandise. Toriyama was thrilled. In 1991, at the end of the Freezer Saga, Toriyama wanted to end the show, but, due to pressure from Toie and due to his own personal greed for money, he continued. Then, in 1995, he officially ended the show, citing that he wanted to go onto other projects. Toie however, decided to continue the show with the garbage known as DBGT. It was a failure and the show ended in 1997, this time for good. Now, you may wonder what the significance of this is, the reason for this paragraph is to give you a bit of knowledge on the history of DB. And to prepare you for the truth... No, denial still can't help you. The TRUTH Here it is folks, the REAL reason Akira Toriyama created DragonBall. And no, it wasn't for the money. Money is mundane compared to his real reasons. He created the show for one purpose, to rule the world. It may sound bizarre, but it is true. Think about it, this is a show with universal appeal, no matter what age you are, it is an enjoyable show to watch. The more the people that watch the show, the more the people that he can brainwash and turn into his followers. Take a look at the subbies, they worship this guy, on most of their pages you'll find a few lines stating how great Toriyama is, some even call him a god. Now you tell me, what kind of sane and rational person would call another a god? It's the effect of brainwashing that causes it, and what causes brainwashing? Your favorite show does, DragonBall Z. Let me start from the beginning... The year is 1982, the location is Japan. The young and ambitious Akira Toriyama is working as a mangaka on his manga strip, DragonBall. At this point in time, Toriyama was still pure in his intentions with DB. He was doing it for the money. The comic strip was doing fairly well, so, in 1985 he converted it to anime form. Starting the fruity series off with the meeting of Goku and Bulma. However, after thirteen episodes, the series was a failure. Disheartened, the still fairly young Toriyama made the decision to end his little project. However, before he could do so, he was approached by a co-worker, he didn't know the man very well. He had kept to himself mostly, wearing an odd trench coat and always seeming to be watching Toriyama. But onto the point, as Toriyama sat at his desk, the man entered his office, shutting the door behind him. Bewildered, Toriyama asked the man what he wanted. What the man said is unknown, but what occurred later is. According to my sources, the man gave Toriyama a proposition, a plan rather, of how he could rule the world. Toriyama, young and ambitious, agreed. Their tool for world domination? DragonBall. With renewed ambition, and a plan, Toriyama continued his work on DB, but, using the man's advice, he changed the focus of the show, making it action-oriented and thus more appealing. The show became a hit. It's popularity sprung forth like a weed, nothing could stop it. Now fueled by his desire for power, Toriyama devoted himself to making the show as universally appealing. His method? By adding a myriad of characters with distinctly different personalities. Thus ensuring that anyone who has just begun to watch the show. will instantly find a character they like. Be it the clueless Goku, the temperamental Vegeta, or the stoic Piccolo. How does this brainwash people you might ask? Well, it doesn't happen all at once. It's a step by step process. Step one. The new fan begins to watch the show he has heard so much about. At first he finds it amusing, a interesting little show. Step two. The new fan soon learns that every single episode continues off of the previous one. And so, curious as to what happens to his new favorite character, the fan begins to watch the show at it's normal time every day. Making sure that he never misses an episode. Step three. Now the fan is addicted, the show is like a drug, something that must be watched, absorbed, studied. The fan has eschewed all of their outside lives and isolated themselves from reality. They have now focused their lives on DragonBall. Step four. The fan's appetite for DragonBall is not satiated just by watching the daily episode. If it is 1994 or earlier, they begin to associate with other DB fans, learning much more than they had ever imagined and further instilling the belief that DragonBall is the greatest thing on earth. If is 1995 or later, they go online and a whole new world opens up for them. They discover everything about DB with just the click of a mouse. They can now associate with other fans via chat, e-mail, message boards and instant messaging. Every page they see is a shrine to something or another that is DB related. The fans they meet are almost militant like, defending their series as though it were their own child. All of this continues to turn the now hooked fan into a follower. Step five. The fan is now a part of the DragonBall community where everything focuses on DragonBall's greatness. Every single day they spend on the web pounds the DragonBall religion into their skulls. Toriyama is God, and centering your life around DragonBall is the path to paradise. Step six. The fan has now decided to help to spread the DB religion's popularity. They create their own pages and petitions, they introduce friends and family members to the show. Further enlarging the fan population. And these new fans begin their steps to becoming devoted brainwashed fans and they introduce other people to the show. Starting a horrible and endless cycle. Giving Toriyama new followers. Step seven. The fan is now die hard DB worshipper. His loyalty is to Akira Toriyama and his creation. The fan is willing to fight to the death to defend DragonBall and will follow and believe anything Toriyama tells them to. The first part of Toriyama's plan is complete. His army has been built. ************ The year is 1991, the Freezer Saga is about to end. Akira Toriyama, now confident that he has a large enough army of devoted fans to take over, decides to end the show. However, before he can do so, the man in the trench coat appears once more in his office. An argument takes place between the two men. Toriyama believes that it is time to initiate hostile takeover. But the other man knows better, he knows of a way to expand the show past what Toriyama had thought possible. To continue the show and to make it international. At the time, the show was popular in other countries besides Japan, but was nowhere near what it is now. Finally, Toriyama relented and continued. The show's popularity boomed. Particularly when Toie sold the US rights to the show to Funimation in order to ensnare the under 13 crowd. A group they had previously had trouble getting to due to the show's mature content. But by getting Funimation in on their plot to take over the world, they were able to start picking off fans early on. Millions of kids became hooked on the dub version of the show. However, the sub fans saw the way the show had been changed and they got angry at Funimation, not realizing that the way the show had been messed up was intentional. It allowed Toriyama to test their faith in DragonBall, their persistence, and he was able to further their loyalty to the show and their devotion to him. In 1995, Toriyama decided to end DragonBall Z, sure that his army was large enough. Again, the man in the trench coat appeared in Toriyama's office. But this time, the now corrupt Toriyama was ready. He no longer wished to negotiate anything and was confident in his power. A few days later, the body of a man in a trench coat was found in a nearby river. His cause of death? A bullet to the head. Nobody knew the man, and his death went by unnoticed. Toriyama was satisfied with what he had now, a vast empire of devoted fans. Eagerly gobbling up whatever he fed to them. He was satisfied, having ended the show and manga. However, Toie still wanted to continue, so, with Toriyama no longer working the show, they produced DragonBall GT. The biggest piece of sequel junk to hit the market. Many of the devoted fans were angry at this new show, but mostly because Toriyama wasn't involved in it. They weren't angry at Toriyama, but at Toie. Which allowed Toriyama to see even more of just how much they loved him. He was happy with his success. ************ It is now the dawn of the new millennium. DragonBall Z is the most popular cartoon in the US and in many other countries. Millions of DragonBall fans dot the globe. Be they fans of the dubs or subs, they love the show. Funimation is constantly churning out new episodes, pleasing the dubbies and angering the subbies. But both ways, it spreads the loyalty of fans to Toriyama and Funimation. Funimation mearly being a link to the US market of young children. Toriyama is happy, his show has almost 500 episodes, 16 movies, 4 TV specials, 42 manga tanboukens, and countless games, books, toys, and more are to be found in every part of the world. His expansion is complete. He has successfully brainwashed millions of people who are now more loyal to him than to their own countries. And every day, more people are converted to DragonBall. All that there is left to do is for Akira Toriyama to give the orders, then, the world is his for the taking. When will this happen? Only time will tell. But there IS a way to stop this from happening. And only you hold the power to prevent it. i think this is a load of crap |
Chrisbaker182 wrote:
The Truth Behind Akira Toriyama If you really mean this,Your freaking retarded,launching a T.V show won't "Rule the world" Even if he's trying to. I like the show DBZ,but i never even knew the owner's name,and i dont care. Whatever that brainwashing thing your talking about,i think it's a load of crap. If this is a April fool's joke then it's a stupid one. |
It seems very poorly written. It slows down a lot, especially when you're draggin' a lot of ballz. As you drag more and more ballz, eventually, it just locks up. It's a fun idea with (unfortunately) poor implementation.
geezus were are the dbz games >.> just put them back funanimations/akira toriyama
if you want cool DBZ games check out DB GT:rebirth unleashed or Dragon Ball Shujauu there really good DBZ games reply if you like the games i just said.