
Just letting you know that Z Force is a not ripped game brought to by none other then Raekwon. The game has three races to date, and alot of other features such as ki abilites and a ton of monsters.
If your a fan of DBZ, or any RPG at that, I urge you to go give this game a try.
Yep, he's the same one I banned from my site for being rude. Just Comment ban him. He's some kid with absolutely no IQ, and thinks he's all that. He'll learn eventually though.

That's all, and the game is impressive,
That's your opinion. I respect it.

For your information. It isn't BOOKS. It's a book. See I post five pages at a time. Sometimes three, four. I didn't state that it was BOOKS so get over yourself, child. -_- Why would a book be that small? THINK.

That's all,
Raekwon made Zeta. Just letting ya know.
Thank you for deleting his posts. :)
No problem.
And if he's reading this, I read some of your book, its pretty good. :D
Thank you. ^_^
Z-Force is sort of Medicore, poorly coded, and Pootie Tang was partly correct, raekwon used his Zeta coding, for Z-Force, that's why it isn't successful, i would do some Pixel art for raekwon, but it seems that he's happy with his current ones. He could do alot better.
You know what, Kalizen? I love you. You're the first person in the two years and a half being on BYOND seeing someone say something like that, but not rudely. I respect you for that. :)
I see what you mean. But I like the game as it is. I have no problems with it. Granted the art work isn't perfect, but what game is? Poorly coded, maybe, but I enjoy playing it.
He's some kid with absolutely no IQ, and thinks he's all that

if i had "absolutely no IQ", i don't think he'd be thinking anything ;-)

i'm a fan of RPGs, but lots of RPGs have the features you mentioned and they're still terrible. so what if the game has three playable races, ki, and a ton of monsters. thats not what makes a game fun. if that's the best thing you can say for a game, then its not giving me much reason to try it.
When it comes down to it that's all that matters. If you enjoy playing it then does it matter if it's poorly coded? Lol I wont play it because Dragon Ball Z really isn't my thing, but I did try it once and thought it was alot better than usual Dragon Ball Z games.
Let's not turn this into a member bash people. It's all opinions.
Lol no I don't.
As I explained in one of my posts. I dislike how the girl icons look, the anime, and it's boyish. I don't play it. I just tested it for Plagu3r. I was being nice.
All that for me. *tear*
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