Suggested Characters/Jutsus
Kabuto: Chakra Seal,Heal,Revive
Orochimaru: Snakesword,chakra seal,Rashdoushi-something (Big door thing),snakemode
Haku: Needles,Ice mirrors,Water dragon
Gaara: Sand Control, Sand Burial, Sand Tsunami, Sand Shuriken
Kankuro: Basic Puppet, Salamander Puppet, Crow Puppet
Sasori: Basic Puppet,Haruko,Kazekage,Gaint Fireball
Hidan: Blood Curse, Stab Self, Wound heal
Kakazu: Fire mask, Lighting mask, Wind mask, Earth mask, Water mask
Kabutomaru: Health seal, Chakra seal,Rashdoushi, Oro sword, Mass Zombify,Snake form
Kiba: Akamaru,Fang over Fang, Beast Fang over Fang,Dynamic Marking
Ino: Flower Throw, Bokay Throw,Mind transfer,Heal,Revive
Shikamaru: Shadow Binding,Immitation,Shadow Sewing,Shadow Gripping
Madara: Rishigan,Gaint Fireball,Amat,Tysukomi,Susanoo,Blocking Technique
Konan: Paper Clone, Paper Shuriken, Paper Armor
You should also add kid characters, if you can find the icons that is. I say this because kid characters are nice to play with and fun at the same time though I don't think everyone should be able to play them after just joining. (Read Unlocking system.)
Unlocking/Locking System
I think that REALLY op'd characters like Kabutomaru and Madara should only be unlockable from tournys weaker characters like Konan and Haku should be unlockable by winning so many rounds. (1 point for winning 2- points for losing.) Or maybe you could have it being based off of kills instead of winning or losing. Just because sometimes you'll lose a battle because of an team mate. So you could do this method or the other. Or maybe you could even combine the two just make them unlock different things. For kid characters I would say that you should probably like either make them donate or earn them in a tourny same for all of the other stronger characters. This way you can make profit for your hard work :). Characters I think should be locked as of now are.. Pein,Tobi,Minato,Kabutomaru (He may have been removed. Or admin only.),Sarutobi,Choji (Preship character),Tsunade,Jairiya,Sound 5, and The other hokage. You may consider not locking some of these for your own reasons, but this would help with balance for sure in my opinion.
Karin can spam Poison like every 15 seconds.. Which really isn't reasonable. I think you should make it so she can only poison people 3 times.
Admins should only be able to make 1 person Yondaime,Kid Buu,Pein,Kabutomaru or Orochimaru. Like only 1 Yondaime/ect otherwise it makes the game unbalanced and abusive.
Susanoo should only be a last resort (On there last KO.. Maybe a 25% chance or something like that.. Otherwise you have noobs going susanoo when they first go in game.)
Tsunade's Slugs shouldn't be able to be spammed so many times. Maybe make the delay longer.
Sasuke's Kirin shouldn't be able to be spammed so many times. Make the delay longer please.
Shino's bug swarm may need to be nerfed. Considering he can do it 3 times with full chakra.
Konan need more chakra so that she can do more than one storm at a time, otherwise she'll be weak against any 1vs1 battle. She also needs more jutsu if possible she has 1 jutsu that no one else has the other 3 other people have.
Temari could use a boost with damage, and she should be able to reflect projectiles.
Tobirama needs a major nerf, if not you should probably just lock him for people who win tournies.
Sarutobi could use a nerf probably less chakra so he can't spam as much jutsu.
Hidan needs a nerf he either needs less health or less damage, or less lives. You choose..
People need to be able to jump on walls and be able to stay there depending on thier chakra. Because it is VERY frustrating if not no one wants to spam shift space.
Also there are gaps in some maps, that make the game look weird I would suggest getting this problem fixed ASAP.
Also you should make people fall faster when jumping otherwise you can spam attack and be up there for about 30 seconds. Logically gravity wouldn't allow it.
Please make it so you can attack village members again, I know this sounds a little like "Why?!" but this is because it will make the game go faster and it'll be more realistic in retrospect. Then enemies have the ability to throw there own attacks back at them. This also means people like Sasuke won't be spamming Kirin as much because of people near by or any other over powered ability for that matter.
To ensure less lag I'd suggest a verb to change delay of ALL jutsu by a certain variable like for example o.5x instead of 1x. This is to prevent spam and lag at the same time :).
I think admins should be coded in already, in addition to the host being an Admin and or GM for helping out the game automaticly though I do not think a host should be able to choose GM. Because if one wanted to they could make like 5 GM and if they were abusive make the game look silly, and make it look like it's a stupid game because of nooby GMs.
Kankuro needs more chakra, using a puppet while attack with it = 30 secs of attacking. Overtop of that he has no health.
Instead of three lives you could add a system that you spam space to get back up, I'd suggest making it hard to get back up and that you'd only have 30 seconds but keeping in mind that even if you failed to get up a healer can revive you. Note that it should get harder and harder each time you get ko'd. Also it should also depend on the character obviously Naruto can get up easier than others. This way rounds will go by quicker :)
Projectiles like exploading kunai's should push the person back.. Otherwise it feels unrealistic. Basicly anything that pushes back like Tsunami and Kisame's waterwave. Or anything that exploads SHOULD push back. Especially puppets when and if they explode.
Thank you for reading my topic remember to check daily because I will be adding more as I see more things that need to be changed.
![]() Mar 24 2012, 6:16 am (Edited on Mar 24 2012, 7:55 am)
![]() Mar 26 2012, 10:02 pm
very good,at kabutomaru and orochimaru put Summoning: Impure World Resurrection