Naruto The Final Battle

by Matt3151
Naruto The Final Battle
Naruto: The Final Battle 3.0 Coming Soon!
O plis open this game i am here waiting like 6 hours!
I regret nothing! I call it Hudson Land!
Please dont tell me theres gunna be a pwipe D;
the game has been down for days!!!
this is the only thing i have planned!
Esse jogo é muito mala.
Mais que pena que quando vai atualizar alguma coisa demora tanto.
My main is banned too. Apparently it was for AFK training. I was using the bathroom. :/ Gillz killed me, then asked me if I was there five minutes later, and banned me.
The game has not been down for days, Its only been down for 1
So, when you get banned, is it forever? I got banned for flooding and it's been over a week and I'm still banned. :/
Can someone help me. Whenever I try to log in it says "Please use your own Key.
Connection died." and the lauching game tab stays open.
Making Medals was a BIG MISTAKE for the game just saying.
If there is a problem with the Jounin Medal, tell me about it in game and I will fix it. :)
Lilbyjr that means your using guest key. If you have this problem: your on your key but it says your on a guest key. Then theres a way to fix it, its happened to be before. What i did was reinstall byond alot.. till it worked o.o oh and your computer restart it. Also try other keys see if they work
I cant play the game?
aww man
the games down again....
when does the game start man i hope it comes today man
Whats up witht he mass lag on the game? I can't even join cause the download is taking hours.
When is the game gonna b up???? please have it up today
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