Dragonball NG

by Son goku126
Dragonball NG
New Guardians-Next Generation you choose Its a new DragonballZ game that byond players well enjoy

Player Rules:

1. Players must not spam or have unappropriate behavior we want to keep or community safe and peaceful.

2. Dont ask for GM (First Offense your warned)=(Second Offense Boot)=(Third Offense Banned)

3. Have fun in a positive way and not ignorant

Game Moderator Rules:

1. No editing its not fair.

2. Dont bring your personal problems into the game.

3. Be kind to the community and help as much as u can.

4. No asking a admin rank boost.

5. Have fun

6.NO favortism

Staff (Just because were hiring doesnt mean your automaticly going to get GM)

Level 7/Songoku126

Level 6/SuperHemi

Level 5/Now Hiring

Level 4/Now Hiring

Level 3/ Now Hiring

Level 2/Now Hiring

Level 1/Now Hiring
Guys Plz no and i mean No PROFANITY im just 12 my mom would kill me